Sagemaker download file from s3

Sagemaker download file from s3

sagemaker download file from s3

Did this page help you? - No. Sagemaker download file from s3. Amazon SageMaker Downloading Files from S3, The S3 bucket sagemakerbucketname you are. Copying files from an S3 bucket to the machine you are logged into This example copies the file from the. You might want to skip this step if you prefer to download the data Let's also add a file with the Python dependencies for our script. SageMaker will copy the training data we've uploaded to the S3 to the. sagemaker download file from s3

aws / sagemaker-python-sdk

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Describe the problem

diseinuak4web.netn has an method that allows users to upload a local file or directory to S3:

defupload_data(self, path, bucket=None, key_prefix="data", extra_args=None):
"""Upload local file or directory to S3.
If a single file is specified for upload, the resulting S3 object key is
``{key_prefix}/{filename}`` (filename does not include the local path, if any specified).
If a directory is specified for upload, the API uploads all content, recursively,
preserving relative structure of subdirectories. The resulting object key names are:
path (str): Path (absolute or relative) of local file or directory to upload.
bucket (str): Name of the S3 Bucket to upload to (default: None). If not specified, the
default bucket of the ``Session`` is used (if default bucket does not exist, the
``Session`` creates it).
key_prefix (str): Optional S3 object key name prefix (default: 'data'). S3 uses the
prefix to create a directory structure for the bucket content that it display in
the S3 console.
extra_args (dict): Optional extra arguments that may be passed to the upload operation.
Similar to ExtraArgs parameter in S3 upload_file function. Please refer to the
ExtraArgs parameter documentation here:
str: The S3 URI of the uploaded file(s). If a file is specified in the path argument,
the URI format is: ``s3://{bucket name}/{key_prefix}/{original_file_name}``.
If a directory is specified in the path argument, the URI format is
``s3://{bucket name}/{key_prefix}``.

But there's no corresponding way to download files from using into a local directory. Training jobs put model artifacts in S3, and transform jobs put batch transform output in S3, and any job (or even an Endpoint) may output to S3 during its execution but right now, users have to use boto3 instead of


Add with the following signature and behavior:

defdownload_data(self, s3_uri, local_path): """Downloads data under an S3 prefix from an S3 URI into a local path or directory. Args: s3_uri (str): An S3 path. All objects under this prefix will be downloaded into the current directory. local_path (str): A local path. "." means the current directory. Directories will be created as needed. """

Thoughts / feedback on this proposal are welcome. Thanks!

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Sagemaker download file from s3

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