Puffin browser online no download

Puffin browser online no download

puffin browser online no download

Puffin Browser is a web browser developed by CloudMosa, an American mobile technology Before that, the only difference was a smaller limit on downloading. Puffin's privacy policy states that no web page's content is logged by them and​. Puffin Web Browser includes Adobe-Flash-Over-Cloud 24/7 now without additional in-app-purchase. Wicked Fast: Puffin speeds up mobile browsing by. Puffin Web Browser is a wicked fast mobile browser. Once users experience the thrilling speed of Puffin, regular Mobile Internet feels like torture. Wicked Fast.

Puffin browser online no download - topic

Press releases

  • Puffin Browser will continue to fully support Flash until it goes away in , since we know many of your favorite apps use it. You may have heard there are security concerns with Flash, but they don’t exist when you use Puffin, so you can continue to use Flash worry-free until Flash’s extinction.
  • We are pleased to announce CloudMosa is partnering with Sony to deliver Puffin TV app to Sony’s Internet Connected TV sets. This cooperation will start in Taiwan market in Y Puffin TV is a special edition of Puffin optimized for Android TV users for video watching, music listening and Internet surfing!
  • Show more
  • Puffin Browser Free supports 24/7 Flash now!
  • Puffin Web Browser + supports the latest Adobe Flash Player Merry Christmas!
  • Puffin Web Browser supports the latest Adobe Flash Player and is released on Apple App Store.
  • CloudMosa introduces Puffin Academy -- the Mobile Flash Browser for K students, teachers, and parents
  • Puffin Web Browser & Free have 10,, downloads.
  • Puffin Web Browser & Free have 1,, downloads.

News media

Customer Reviews

  • This is literally the best app ever United State
    ★★★★★ by Parvati The Part-Elephant •v•
    This is literally the best app ever. None of the annoying notifications that you can't get rid of, and this helped me to be able to FINALLY make my own music videos! I reccromend this app to GachaTubers and animators in particular, but I bet that this app has other cool features that I don't care about/don't need that would be extremely helpful to other users. This app is perfect for me! I might even be able to start a career in about two years of using this app for music videos and so on.
  • とても使いやすいです フラッシュもサクサク読み込んでくれるのでiPhone6splusでもサクサクつかえてますよ
  • 업데이트 정말 마음에 듭니다. South Korea
    좀 걸렸던 디자인 문제도 해결되서 좋았구요. 브라우저는 퍼핀이 제일 좋은 것 같습니다.
  • 速度快 而且首頁連結方式設計的很好 過年期間有下架一段時間 直到大年初五才重新上架 可以購買後 毫不猶豫的直接購買正式版 用到現在 實在太好用了 這雲端瀏覽器 app 物超所值 不買可惜 值得大家試用完購買正式版puffin
    This is the best browser in the world. It loads pages faster, latest Flash Player, trackpad like on laptops, and it is easier to interact with pages.
  • めっちゃいい!これはまじPCゲームができてすごい。
  • I LOVE THIS! :D United State
    I LOVE THIS! :D I wanted to make a ROBLOX shirt but a TON of people were complaining about being on mobile, so when I went on YouTube I saw a channel reccomend this, NOW MY SHIRT HAS SOOOO MANY SALES!!! I thank the company for making this app so over all AWESOME! 😁
  • 아이폰 일반 사파리로는 작동이 안되는 사이트가 있어요 그럴때 이 앱으로 들어가서 팝업 풀고 사이트 들어가면 놀랍게도 돼요 정말 추천!!!!
  • I've used several web browsers and this is by far the fastest United States
    ★★★★★ by Raymond J. Ramsey
    I've used several web browsers and this is by far the fastest. Your pages load instantly while maintaining mobile data savings. Win-win.
  • This works beautifully. You can cut your data usage by a lot and view everything with amazing functionality. An added bonus is that you can even play flash games!
  • Aufmerksam bin ich auf diesen Browser geworden, weil ihn jemand bei einer Diskussion, wer den schnellsten besten Browser hat, einmal erwähnt hat. Vorher war ich mit Safari, langsam und relative viele Abstürze unterwegs. Dann probierte ich den Opera und Google Crome und die waren zwar besser als Safari, waren aber manchmal auch sehr langsam. Nun habe ich den Puffin und bin begeistert, die Seiten bauen sich wirklich sehr schnell auf, viele Einstellungsmöglichkeiten und Abstürze bis jetzt noch keinen einzigen erlebt. Ich bin begeistert und benutze ihn gerade immerzu.
  • A volte 5 stelle non bastano Italy
    Con l'ultimo aggiornamento puffin ha aggiunto un servizio che permette di visualizzare ogni pagina web in modalità desktop e funziona perfettamente a differenza di altri browser, compreso safari, che possono tuttalpiù fare una richiesta di visualizzazione in tale modalità e che la maggior parte delle volte non ha successo. Anche Il servizio flash è una prerogativa esclusiva di quest'app che ora offre un gamepad per i giochi in Flash. Compratela!!
  • 本当に助かる!パフィンがないと見れない事が沢山ある パフィンに逢えて良かった!
  • what a app is it!!!!!!! United States
    what a app is it!!!!!!! mind blowing, super ,excited i have no words to describe. if u wanting a fast browser u should download this.

Copyright © CloudMosa, Inc. All rights reserved.

Источник: [diseinuak4web.net]

Puffin browser online no download

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