Bundestag video archiv download - All above
The Archiv Grünes Gedächtnis (which translates as 'Green Memory Archive') collects the primary source documents related to the history of the German Green Party and the new social movements in Germany. It organises the material, making it accessible to the public and preserving it for future generations.
The Archive holds a variety of material relating to the history of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and the party's predecessors as well as documents of the civil movement in the GDR and records of environmental, anti-nuclear, feminist and peace movements in Germany after Most records in the collections are files originating from the Green party's offices and work groups on all federal levels up to the EU parliament. The archive also assembles a great number of individual-related documents from party members and protagonists of the new social movements. Moreover, the archive contains a reference library of commercially published books and grey literature related to the material in the file archive. Collections of campaign posters, photographs, web content and voice and video recordings complete the inventory.
Flyer: Green Memory Archiv