Angular file download from raw png data

Angular file download from raw png data

angular file download from raw png data

The getAsBinary method allows to access the file's data in raw binary object for allowed media types var accept = { binary: ["image/png". Tons of files get downloaded from the internet every day ranging from Blobs are objects that are used to represent raw immutable data. We can't change data directly in a Blob, but we can slice parts of a Blob you download a dynamically-generated Blob with hello world contents as a file: createElement('a'); diseinuak4web.netad = ''; = URL.


downloadFile(response){'content-disposition');'=')[1];file=diseinuak4web.neting(1,;'.')[1].toLowerCase();// It is necessary to create a new blob object with mime-type explicitly set// otherwise only Chrome works like it shouldvarnewBlob=newBlob([],{type: diseinuak4web.netFileType(extension)})// IE doesn't allow using a blob object directly as link href// instead it is necessary to use msSaveOrOpenBlobif(diseinuak4web.nettor&&diseinuak4web.netOrOpenBlob){diseinuak4web.netOrOpenBlob(newBlob);return;}// For other browsers: // Create a link pointing to the ObjectURL containing the blob.constdata=diseinuak4web.netObjectURL(newBlob);varlink=diseinuak4web.netElement('a');;diseinuak4web.netad=file;;setTimeout(()=>{// For Firefox it is necessary to delay revoking the ObjectURLdiseinuak4web.netObjectURL(data);},)}createFileType(e): string {letfileType: string="";if(e=='pdf'||e=='csv'){fileType=`application/${e}`;}elseif(e=='jpeg'||e=='jpg'||e=='png'){fileType=`image/${e}`;}elseif(e=='txt'){fileType='text/plain';}elseif(e=='ppt'||e=='pot'||e=='pps'||e=='ppa'){fileType='application/';}elseif(e=='pptx'){fileType='application/diseinuak4web.nettation';}elseif(e=='doc'||e=='dot'){fileType='application/msword';}elseif(e=='docx'){fileType='application/diseinuak4web.netnt';}elseif(e=='xls'||e=='xlt'||e=='xla'){fileType='application/';}elseif(e=='xlsx'){fileType='application/';}returnfileType;}
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Angular file download from raw png data

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