Psp save file download

Psp save file download

psp save file download

but i dont have those folder names so is there any way i can still load my saves again? also if i accidentally download an ISO from a different. These save game files can then be transferred to your PSP, and you can play the game from your PSP's memory stick. Assuming you have obtained a game save (​. This makes most of the game playable (Class Trials are notable exceptions, so is Island Mode). You can download the save file here. Posted on.

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PSP Savedata

  • <userid> The number assigned by the system to this user when his account was created (is a counter). Stored in, e.g:
  • <SAVEDATA_DIRECTORY> Name of the folder where the savedata files are stored, composed by TITLE_ID + some variable characters added by the game, e.g: BLESnick01save01
  • <TITLE_ID> Name of the folder where the game was installed (different than the TITLE_ID in his that refers to the original ID when the game was released years ago as a disc)
  • <virtual_memcard> The name assigned to the card when it was created from the "Memory Card Utility (PS/PS2)" in XMB
  • Any_Other_Files Represents all the other files in the folder generated by the game with any filename and filextensions that are dependant of each game and can vary, e.g: ""(in PS3 Game Saves) or "" (in Minis Game Saves) etc
  • <MC_Save_ID> Identifyer of each Game Save of a PS1 or PS2 Memory Card. Used as the file name when a single Game Save is exported to USB, e.g: BESLES.PSV
  • MC_Slot Inside a PS1 or PS2 Memory card, real or virtual, every one of the savedata items represented with an icon, A single savedata can use one or several slots in PS1, and always only one slot in PS2
  • Information about the Game Save. This one is never encrypted.
  • Signatures of some of the other files in the folder.
Storage MediaPathImport/Export file conversions
Internal HDDdev_hdd0/home/<userid>/minis_savedata/<SAVEDATA_DIRECTORY>/diseinuak4web.netNo conversion
dev_hdd0/home/<userid>/minis_savedata/<SAVEDATA_DIRECTORY>/diseinuak4web.netvalues updated when imported&#;? (not verified)
dev_hdd0/home/<userid>/minis_savedata/<SAVEDATA_DIRECTORY>/Any_Other_FilesNo conversion
External USB & PSP & PSvita?dev_usb0/PSP/SAVEDATA/<SAVEDATA_DIRECTORY>/diseinuak4web.netNo conversion
dev_usb0/PSP/SAVEDATA/<SAVEDATA_DIRECTORY>/diseinuak4web.netvalues updated when exported&#;? (not verified)
dev_usb0/PSP/SAVEDATA/<SAVEDATA_DIRECTORY>/Any_Other_FilesNo conversion

This format is inherited from PSP (is older than PS3), and later implemented in PSvita, the "Minis Saved Games" can be exported/imported between the 3 consoles. There is no conversion of the files between the 3 consoles.

PSP remaster & PSP save for apps&game can also be exported/imported following the same path.

Game Saves PSP Remaster[edit]

Monster Hunter 3rd HD ver. (BLJM)

K-On!Houkago Live!! HD ver. (BLJM)

Sangoku Musou Multi Raid 2 HD Version (BLJM)

PSP saves featured on FW , PSP remaster saves on FW (with also Adhoc)

Gamesave function PSP<>PS3 (SAVEDATA_USE_PS3_SAVE on psp emulator command)

  • Notes about native support

Cobra dongle writes/reads PSP game saves from path dev_hdd0/home/<userid>/minis_savedata/<SAVEDATA_DIRECTORY>.

Other: Game Saves PSP emulator[edit]

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Psp save file download

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