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C redits Authors: Peter K. Ullmann, Kirby Flake, John Reyst, Troy Daniels, Michael McNeill, Manuel A. Oaxaca, Allen Snyder, Michael Ritter Converted By: Tyler Beck, Kim Frandsen, Michael Ritter, Peter K. Ullmann Editors: Troy Daniels, John Reyst, Sam Hearn Artists: Dio Mahesa, Shaman’s Stockart, Enmanuel Martinez Lema, Juan Ochoa, Gennifer Bone,, Tarakanovich, Doll Divine, JE Shields, Purple Duck Games, Joshua De Santo, Eric Lofgren, Peter Saga Design and Layout: Rick Hershey 2
Associate Editors: Michael McNeill, Luke McManamon, Allen Snyder, Jakob Cherpovsky, Daniel Reynolds, Manuel A. Oaxaca, David Duggan, Kevin Strasser, Dustin Nicholls Volunteer Editors: Donald Helt, Aaron Lesse, Kevin Nguyen, David Scott, Bradley Grant, Tim Snider, Kevin Strasser, Daniel Lane, Florent Hequet, Shawn Cotton, Ando Shollack, Randy Price, Jared G. Reni, Sam Hearn, Aaron Miller, Shawn Adams, J Halverson, J Gorbach, [emailprotected] Line Developers: John Reyst, Troy Daniels, and Peter K. Ullmann Publisher: John Reyst, Publishing Compatibility with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Starfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Inc. See http://paizo. com/starfinder for more information on the Starfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Inc. does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product. Starfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Starfinder® Roleplaying Game and the Starfinder® Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Starfinder® Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http:// for more information on the compatibility license. Open Game Content: All material — including but not limited to art, place and character names, character and setting descriptions, background, and new class descriptions—is Product Identity. All other content is considered Open Game Content. Reference in nonOpen Game Content (thus not covered by the Open Game License) in this work to content owned by others is not a challenge to their ownership and is used under Fair Use. Starjammer is published by Publishing under the Open Game License version a Copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc. © Publishing.
Starjammer - Starfinder Compatible Version- Publishing
“The only thing more vast than space itself, is the way humans and their ilk can disrupt even the simplest of plans. That is why they must be exterminated. . . ” - D’zebrik, Zurkhan Advisor
C ontents C ontents I ntroduction
Hazard Details
What is Starjammer? 6 R aces
Planets 76
Abiarazi 10 Manu 16 Pasimachi 20 Transgenic 29 Subraces 27 Dwarves 27 Elves 38 Gnomes 39 Half-elves 41 Half-orcs 42 Halflings 42
Planet Shape Classification
Planet Size Classification
Worlds Beyond Void Gods Other Gods of the Starjammer Setting T raveling
84 94
Crew Roles
The Vessels of Starjammer
Converted Frames
Vessel Types by Size
Sample Spacefaring Vessels
Personal Transportation Devices
Spacefaring Vessel Engines
New Weapons for Spacefaring Vessels
Additional Expansion Bays
Humans 43 Additional Racial Archetypes
44 B easts
New Universal Monster Rules
Archetypes 45
New Monsters
Heliacal Healer
Known Star Beasts
Shock Trooper
Void Tracker
Factions of the Void
Bastion Incantorum
Infinite Star Legion
Israfel Order
Red Tang Spice Guild
Shaman Knights
C lasses
F eats Feats of the Void
55 55
M agic
New Spells
H azards Encounter Chances
69 69
Starjammer - Starfinder Compatible Version- Publishing
I ntroduction
This project has been a long time in the works and is the result of multiple authors putting in countless hours getting it just right. Now it’s up to you, the readers, to take Pathfinder out into the stars, travelling the void, to countless worlds unknown. The void. A seemingly vast emptiness between the multitude of stars, but teeming with life spread far and wide and abundant in both numbers and variety. Those who choose to travel the void exchange the familiar landscapes of their home-worlds for the darkness of the void and the light of foreign suns in search of new horizons, knowledge, or riches. Some become beacons of light and hope while others seek only to plunder. Paths in the void. Travelers between worlds encounter the juxtaposition of the strange intertwined with the recognizable, the comfortable wrapped around the unfamiliar, leaving many ill-at-ease. True adventurers realize that while dangers may lurk in the darkness for the unwary, the wonders of the universe are awaiting discovery and that those who are clever, lucky, or skilled - or some combination of all three - may survive the challenges of the void and build empires that span across worlds.
I ntroduction W hat is S tarjammer ? Starjammer is exploration and adventure in space – from technological marvels that break past the clouds and careen between planets to strange magics developed to explore new worlds. The core concept is to provide a unique experience for players and GMs by facilitating games that span stars rather than just continents and that visit any world they can imagine. While Starjammer is intended to be a complete set of tools to run Pathfinder adventures in the darkness of the void, it is also intended to be compatible with material from third-party publishers. “Additional Resources” sidebars at the end of each chapter provide suggestions for other titles that players and GMs may find useful for expanding their options.
There are many types of adventures to be found in the void: thrilling big-screen one-on-one dogfights between rebel and imperial vessels; episodic prime-time adventures that center on specific missions and explore humanitarian themes; campaigns that allow players to infiltrate enemy vessels as if they were spacefaring dungeons, fighting off pirates, and clearing decks in search of the treasures of the stars; exploring new worlds, races, and civilizations. There is no practical limit to the kinds of adventures or combinations of elements that can be found in your games. Likewise, there is no set definition of what a spacefaring adventure will or should look like - they may contain as much or as little magic or technology as players and GMs desire. An adventure may be almost entirely surface-bound with space vessels existing merely to move from one world to another while other campaigns might play out entirely in the void between the stars. The universal constant is that element of the unknown from distant places that few within the setting ever visit.
First, there may be some confusion! This book was originally planned to be titled “Starfinder” but apparently Paizo Inc. began development on a product they ALSO planned to call Starfinder, but they didn’t know about THIS product. They were very kind and contacted Publishing to ask what could be done. An agreement was made that the name of the Publishing product would change, allowing Paizo to continue developing under that name, and in return Publishing would receive ongoing development notes of their Starfinder project. The book you are reading now is the bounty of that relationship, combining the awesomeness of Starjammer with the incredible Paizo Inc. product - Starfinder. Starjammer, originally published in February , was a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible science fiction game. Now that Starfinder has published, we have updated the rules so that the Manu, Transgenics, and other concepts behind Starjammer can play in the Starfinder universe. Enjoy! What becomes known can never be unlearned, and this poses a very real risk to those who better or worse, even the homeworld of the adventurers. Planetary invasion is a very real possibility in the world of Starjammer, as is colonization. The difference is largely one of perspective, but that does not change the reality that it’s the player’s choice in how to approach their adventures in space.
N avigating
B ook
The chapters of this book examine the necessary elements of adventuring out in the void, such as new species, class options, feats, spells, spacefaring vessels, space hazards, void gods, and new worlds for players to explore. Most of the options presented are intended for use by players and GMs alike, but there are a few elements that GMs may
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wish to keep close to the chest and surprise their players with. Chapter 1—Character Races: Who are the heroes that brave the journey into space to find adventure? This chapter includes four new races for the Starjammer setting, as well as new options for existing core races. Each race is presented with a mix of racial feats, spells, and unique adventuring gear appropriate for each race. Abiarazi - The abiarazi are shape-changing oozes who possess latent psychic abilities and a voracious appetite. Manu- Manu are rough, black-skinned humanoids with brightly colored eyes and thick, blunt teeth. They are sculpted stone made flesh and crafters extraordinaire. Pasimachi - Pasimachi are beetle-like humanoids with a bulky build, and a tough exoskeleton. They are the greatest builders in the known universe. Transgenics - Myths and legends of aliens visiting new worlds and mating with the natives? % true and the source of the transgenic people who roam the galaxy in search of their genetic origins. Core Races- Humans, dwarves, elves, gnomes, halflings, half-orcs, and about a thousand other races; give or take. The galaxy is a crowded place, and these races and more are out there, waiting for adventure. Chapter 2—Class Options: This chapter presents options to use existing classes in new and exciting ways, from the heliacal healer to the shock trooper. These options can be incorporated into existing characters or used for new heroes that adventure both planetside and across the universe. It also details five new factions for your characters to join or encounter in your adventures across the stars. Chapter 3—Feats of the Void: This chapter contains new feats that can be taken by any character, including new feats that expand
character customization. Chapter 4—Magic in the Void: Magics developed for travel, survival, or combat out in the depths of space for every adventurer who takes to the stars. If you’re going to survive out in the darkness, you’re going to need powerful magics at your command. Chapter 5—Hazards: This chapter contains a comprehensive guide to different environments that can be encountered on the distant worlds across the universe. Also, included in this chapter are several worlds for characters to visit and explore. You will also find information on some of the major gods of the Starjammer setting. Chapter 6—Traveling in the Void: This chapter takes an in-depth look at five different classifications of spacecraft and gives both players and GMs the tools to customize their own vessels. Select your hull, engine, weapons, templates, and more to customize your own craft to perfectly suit the needs of your crew or campaign. There are also several sample vessels to help you get started playing on your own spacecraft. Finally, you will find out how speed works in the void and what type of engines you need to get to your destination. Before you begin building your vessel, you will need a crew and positions for those crew members. That is the first thing discussed in this chapter. Chapter 7—Beasts of the Void: With all the magic and technology at a character’s disposal to get them out among the stars, they need monsters that will challenge them and drive them to show their merits. This chapter includes a host of new monsters, including the reclusive void travelers, the adaptable tardigrades, and the mythic ribbon dragon.
I ntroduction
B ringing S tarjammer to Y our T able
S tarjammer , C ampaign
You have decided to take the plunge and throw your players and their characters out into the void. There are many ways you can go about doing it. Here we will talk about some of the many ways you can start your Starjammer adventures. There are some universal caveats to consider of course:
You have decided that you are going to start right out in a Starjammer campaign. Your players will be playing characters using the races in this book, or other fantastic races that you have created for them. They might have a vessel and they may have a crew. What else will you need to consider?
<< The starting solar system in your campaign. Since Starjammer is a universal system, there are no pre-made solar systems or settings for you to use. You must create the solar system that your players will be interacting with. Remember that while your planets exist in a vacuum, your game should not. Tailor planets as you need them and flesh out your campaign to challenge your players.
<< Do you have custom races that you wish to introduce?
<< What technology level are you going to want your campaign to be at? Starjammer assumes a certain level of technology versus magic. However, you can tweak it in whichever direction you want. Are you looking for High Science Fiction like Star Trek? Operatic Science Fiction like Star Wars? What about Nitty Gritty Science Fiction like Battlestar Galactica or Firefly? Or do you prefer just a sprinkle of science, as you would see in Thundarr the Barbarian? These are the kinds of decisions you must make about your campaign before you take it to the stars. << Standard Races or Alien Races? How are you going to start off your campaign? There are several examples below, and only one of them starts your campaign with races out of this book. That is not to say that they could not be used, but you must decide how they will be used. Or, will they be used at all?
<< Have you designed a solar system, or series of solar systems that will keep the players entertained? Is your system clear, or are there hazards to be encountered? << Are you using adversaries from this book (check out the Zurkhan in Chapter 9: Bestiary for an example) or are you making it up yourself? Are those adversaries monsters, pirates, space cults, military organizations, or battle-hardened traders?
S tarjammer , S trange N ew W orlds In this version of Starjammer, your standard campaign world has been visited, or perhaps attacked, by a race from the void. Your campaign world now must adapt to knowing that there are things beyond the stars that are dangerous. Governments, organizations, and/or player characters get their hands on a starcraft and can now leave their homeworld. Why would they want to do that and what is going to be involved? << How do the player characters get off-world? Are they given a spacecraft or do they take it? If they are given a spacecraft are they trained in its use or did they steal the vessel and literally must learn spaceflight from scratch? << Will players take to the stars in a pre-designed craft of the GM’s making, or will you allow them to design their own?
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<< Interactions with the race that brought their fantasy world spaceflight: are they benevolent, or were they invaders?
S tarjammer , A lone in a G alaxy F ar , F ar A way Your player characters were minding their own business, or perhaps getting too close to an extraterrestrial threat and were abducted. Taken to who knows where in the galaxy now they have been thrown straight out of their comfortable fantasy existence with magic and dragons and now must face the technological threats of a science fiction universe. << This is your typical survival campaign but with a major twist; The Void. Perhaps your player characters have been abandoned on an odd world and must find their way off. Maybe they are in an interplanetary prison and must escape. Regardless the alien environment will be disturbing, and hopefully completely different from anything they have ever seen before. << Do they even get a spacecraft and get to escape or are you relocating your campaign to the distant world you stranded them on? << Did they even get to a world? After their abduction, did they manage to escape while still traveling? If so, did they take over the vessel and are now learning how to pilot this technomagical beast? One of the most interesting aspects of playing Starjammer is the almost infinite possibilities that can be brought to the table, the fantasy world, or in this case, the fantasy galaxy.
R aces
R aces
Ù Ù R aces of S tarjammer Choosing to play a standard fantasy race such as a human, dwarf, or elf, versus playing one of the astonishing races described in this chapter is up to your Game Master and is based upon the type of campaign that they wish to run. Abiarazi, manu, and other “stellar” races are as diverse as fantasy races, with inspiration being taken from the original fantasy races to create their interstellar counterparts.
A biarazi Abiarazi are shape-changing oozes that can take the form of other humanoids. They have latent psychic abilities and voracious appetites. Abiarazi find the concept of ownership an oddity: a quirk shared by other races. However, they understand all too well the concept of consumption, and whether it’s an entire store of foodstuffs or planetary resources, the abiarazi are hungry for more. Originally hailing from a planetoid known as Vivistaldur, the abiarazi were forced into space when their planet was shattered. Half of the planet was broken into a multitude of vesselsized asteroids that, along with the remaining
R ace I nformation Race
Avg. Height
Avg. Weight
Age of Maturity
Maximum Age
12 yrs.
+2d20 years
+3d20 years
15 yrs.
60 + 2d20 years
18 yrs.
80+2d20 years
Starjammer - Starfinder Compatible Version- Publishing
hemisphere of the planet, continue to orbit within the star system. It is a harsh reminder to all sentient races to not allow these creatures to become overcome by their own insatiable appetites. While their homeworld is incapable of sustaining life, the abiarazi survive on half a dozen other worlds, forming a small empire (as celestial empires go) and attempting to rebuild the glory of their longlost home. Some abiarazi make sacred pilgrimages back to Vivistaldur to search for forgotten cultural relics or lost knowledge; these voyages into their own past are a time-honored tradition. Recovering what was lost by their forbears is considered one of the greatest honors in abiarazi culture. Those that engage in such expeditions are viewed as a mixture of heroes to their people and as beings anointed by some undefined “higher power” that has charged them with the task of restoring to the abiarazi that which had been forgotten. Those that bring back to memory bits of their ancient culture or retrieve ancient artifacts are revered and provided for by their communities. Physical Description: In their true forms, they are pulpy masses of vein-riddled violet slime, though they often take the form of pale-skinned humanoids with flat, nose-less faces, dark eyes, and scowling mouths. Society: Abiarazi appear to get along and work well with others of their species. While most abiarazi have no qualms about taking on humanoid forms for extended periods of time, there are some within abiarazi society that consider themselves “purists”, keeping their amorphous, gelatinous forms unless they need to take on another shape for a specific purpose. There are a few pitiful abiarazi that have gone mad, constantly shifting between a plethora of forms, unable to retain a shape for more than a few seconds at a time. This makes them difficult to interact with at the best of times, and dangerous at the worst. Abiarazi find the commingling of their gelatinous natural forms to be exceptionally intimate, and
taboo unless done with a mate in a private setting. It is also considered impolite to pass through an abiarazi in its ooze form, as it is regarded as an invasion of that abiarazi’s personal space. Relations: Abiarazi often have a difficult time interacting with other races because they are viewed as strange and exotic. Most sentient races do not want to willingly meet an ooze, so they usually assume a humanoid form to interact with other species. When abiarazi want to put someone at ease, they often appear as a member of whatever race that they’re interacting with.
R aces A biarazi R acial T raits
Ability Scores: +2 Constitution +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. Abiarazi are tough and cunning, but put other creatures off by their strange mannerisms.
Racial Hit Points: 6 HP Size and Type: Abiarazi are oozes with the shapechanger subtype and are Medium size. They eat and breathe, but do not sleep unless they want to gain some beneficial effect from this activity, such as gaining spells. Abiarazi are neither mindless, nor blind, and so they have no special immunity to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, or other attack forms that rely upon sight. Abiarazi are immune to sleep effects. Compulsive: Abiarazi find simple, repetitive behaviors fascinating, almost to the point of obsession. This may manifest itself in varied ways; overeating, gambling, repeatedly washing after minimal contact with other species, etc. Thus, abiarazi suffer a -2 penalty to Will saves to resist compulsions. Oozeform: As a standard action, abiarazi can become flexible enough to move through areas at least half their size with no penalty for squeezing. Abiarazi can move through a space at least one-quarter of their size using the standard penalties for squeezing. Abiarazi may use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to their total character level.
Plasmic Lash: Abiarazi have a long, sticky tentacle that can be used to attack. In humanoid form, this tentacle typically manifests itself as a tongue-like appendage. It is treated as a secondary melee attack and is sticky along its entire surface. A creature hit by this attack cannot move more than 10 feet away from the abiarazi and takes a -2 penalty to EAC and KAC if the lash is attached (this penalty does not stack if multiple lashes are attached). The lash can be removed by the target or an adjacent ally by making an opposed Strength check against the abiarazi as a standard action or by dealing 2 points of damage to the lash (EAC 11, KAC 11, damage does not reduce the abiarazi’s Hit Points). An abiarazi cannot move more than 10 feet away from a creature stuck to its lash, but it can release its lash from the target as a free action, and the abiarazi may pull any creature attached to its lash 5 feet toward it as a swift action if it succeeds in an opposed Strength check. An abiarazi can only have one creature attached to its lash at a time. Psychic Obscurity: Once per day as a standard action, an abiarazi can appear blurry and distorted, granting her concealment against all creatures for up to 1 minute per character level. Shapechanger: The abiarazi can use this ability as a standard action to assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the humanoid type. If the form it assumes has any of the following abilities, it gains the listed ability: darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, scent, and swim 30 feet. If used as part of a disguise, this ability grants a +10 circumstance bonus to the Disguise check. While in their natural forms, abiarazi are unable to wear armor or clothing. Voracious Appetite: Abiarazi are almost constantly hungry and require twice as much food as a normal humanoid. If an abiarazi does not eat at least once every four hours, it gains the fatigued condition. Languages: Abiarazi speak Aklo. An abiarazi with a high Intelligence score can choose from the following: Aurelian, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Manu, or Pasimachus.
Starjammer - Starfinder Compatible Version- Publishing
They have no unusual ties to any one race, though they do have strained relations with humans. For reasons that are lost to the pages of time, humans and abiarazi do not typically get along very well, and the shape-changing oozes are not openly welcome in human communities.
P laying
A biarazi :
Alignment and Religion: Abiarazi are largely secular, not worshipping any set of gods. Those abiarazi that indulge in religion often worship gods of space and of the void, particularly the goddess Alula. There are small communities of abiarazi that worship other gods, but they are far more the exception than the rule. Adventurers: The ruins of Vivistaldur are a nigh-irresistible draw to abiarazi, and many abiarazi choose to make the journey from the farthest reaches of the cosmos. There are others that choose a life of piracy or conquest, and such abiarazi are often reviled as the scourge of the stars. Male Names: Agu, Fahd, Majid, Nuh, Sa’ld, Ulan, Vega, Zayd Female Names: Baraka, Folami, Kanika, Kehinde, Radhiya, Samiyah, Yamileth, Zaynabu
A lternate R acial T raits The following racial traits may be selected instead of the shapechanger racial trait. Consult your GM before selecting these options. Cerebrist: The abiarazi gains the following spell-like abilities: 1/day−anticipate thoughts, ghost whip, and reflecting armor. The caster level for these effects is equal to the abiarazi’s level, with a save DC equal to (12 + the abiarazi’s Intelligence bonus). Ultrapsionic: The abiarazi gains the following spell-like abilities; 1/day−biofeedback, concussion blast, and sustenance. The caster level for these effects is equal to the abiarazi’s character level, with
a save DC equal to (12 + the abiarazi’s Intelligence bonus).
R acial A rchetypes M orphic W arrior Training from birth to control their ability to take on humanoid form, abiarazi use their ability to shapechange to their advantage in combat situations. The morphic warrior capitalizes on his ability, making himself a very difficult target to hit by rapidly manipulating his form.
2 nd -L eve l A ltern ative C la ss F eature Ooze Defense (Ex): Your ooze-like form allows you to move in ways that humanoid creatures could never dream of. You gain a +1 bonus to EAC
R aces and KAC. This bonus does not apply when you are flat-footed or off-kilter.
4 th -L ev el A lt e r nat i ve C las s
Shapechanger’s Dodge (Ex): You can use your shapechanger racial trait as a reaction when a target opponent declares a melee or ranged attack against you. The opponent suffers a 20% miss chance on that attack and on successive attacks against you until the start of your next turn. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 4 + your Charisma bonus.
8 th -L ev el A lt e r nat i ve C las s
G elatinous C onstitution , G reater (A biarazi ) Your racial recuperative powers are heightened. Prerequisites: 9th level, Con 17, Improved Gelatinous Constitution, abiarazi Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to saves versus paralysis, poison, polymorph effects, and stunning. These bonuses stack with the bonuses granted by Gelatinous Constitution.
Doppelganger Defense: Your bonus to EAC and KAC from ooze defense increases by an additional +1, and the miss chance granted from shapechanger’s dodge increases by +20% (for a total of 40%).
12 th -L ev el A lt e r nat i ve C la s s 14
paralysis, poison, polymorph effects, and stunning.
G elatinous C onstitution , I mproved (C ombat , A biarazi ) Evolving into a higher ooze form, your body’s defenses grow stronger.
Combat Mimic (Su): You can use your shapechanger racial trait to perfectly mimic the features of a humanoid opponent in combat, confusing and disorienting him. The opponent you are mimicking takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls against you, as well as a -2 penalty on all saving throws, as long as you are visible to him. At 16th level, your mimicry is so complete that it confuses the target’s allies as well, giving them the same penalties. These penalties last a number of rounds equal to your level in the class in which you took this archetype.
Prerequisites: Con 15, 7th level, Gelatinous Constitution, abiarazi
A biarazi F eats
Prerequisites: Con 17, 12th level, Greater Gelatinous Constitution, abiarazi
G elatinous C onstitution (A biarazi )
Benefit: While in your natural form, you become immune to the following effects: critical hits, flanking, paralysis, poison, polymorph, precision damage and stunning.
Your ooze heritage begins to manifest as your body becomes more resistant to certain effects.
Benefit: Once per day if you are struck by a critical hit, as a reaction you may negate the critical hit, making the attack a normal hit.
G elatinous C onstitution , U ltimate (C ombat , A biarazi ) You have reached the pinnacle of evolution for your species.
Prerequisites: 3rd level, Con 13, Toughness, abiarazi. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to saves versus
Starjammer - Starfinder Compatible Version- Publishing
A biarazi S pells F o r mloc k
School abjuration; Level mystic 4 Casting Time 1 standard action Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Targets one creature Duration 1 minute/level Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes This spell attempts to prevent a targeted creature from voluntarily changing forms for the duration of its effect. If the target creature fails their saving throw, transmutation effects are not possible. Formlock does not return the target creature to its true form. If the creature is the target of a transmutation spell while affected by formlock, the other caster must make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against a DC (11 + your caster level). Success means that the transmutation effect succeeds and formlock ends.
A biarazi C haracter T heme You’ve perfected the art of imitating other races, to the point where you could probably pass for a member of nearly any humanoid species.
F ormless E missary Theme Knowledge (1st): You gain a +1 trait bonus to Disguise checks to pass for any other humanoid race. Disguise also becomes a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 on Disguise checks. In addition,
you gain a +1 bonus to your Charisma score. Integration (6th): You’ve spent your entire life among other species, learning to adapt to any culture. When making a Culture check to recall knowledge of another species in order to appear as a member of that species, you may roll the check twice and take the better result. Intervention (12th): You’re adept at saving face in complex social situations, even if your allies are less than diplomatic. Once per day, if an ally within 30 feet would fail a Bluff or Diplomacy check, as a reaction you may roll the same check using your bonuses and substitute that result for your ally’s, as if she had rolled the higher result. Formless Master (18th): You’re so convincing that sometimes you convince yourself. Once per day, when you succeed at a Disguise check, regain 1 Resolve Point.
R aces Ù Ù MANU Hailing from a verdant world known as Qundin, the manu have made a meteoric rise to the stars, because their race was considered little more than primitive savages a few millennia ago. Now they boast one of the most technologically advanced civilizations in the known universe, pioneering some of the most innovative magitech available. Most manu live productive lives working to improve some aspect of manu culture or to provide some lasting work that will be remembered for many generations to come, but some were born to seek adventure across the stars.
Physical Description: Manu are rough, blackskinned humanoids with brightly colored eyes and thick, blunt teeth. Their sharp, sculpted features give them a stoic, slightly menacing presence. Their limbs are slightly longer than a human’s and end at four-fingered hands which are equally oversized. However, their finely-tapering fingers result in an unexpectedly graceful grasp on tools. Their calves and feet are wider than most humanoids and they walk with a slight hunch. They prefer to wear loose, brightly colored clothing and wide sashes either tied around their waists or draped decoratively over their clothing. Society: Unlike many species, manu castes are not hierarchical. They are indicative of a chosen cultural path; craftsman, guardian, herald, laborer, and magistrate. Manu craftsmen are typically suited not only to intellectual pursuits, but are also dedicated to bringing to fruition the labors of those pursuits, be they cultural advances, new magics, or advanced technologies. Guardians are both warriors and caretakers of the people, working to serve and protect those that cannot care for themselves. Manu heralds are their leaders, mouthpieces for the people. Among their ranks can be found merchants, diplomats, explorers, and theologians. Laborers lead a simple life, under the guidance of others and being the many hands that make work light. They are farmers, smiths, and builders, and they make up the largest of the manu castes. The magistrates differ from the heralds in that they do not lead, but rather, employ their skills to interpret meaning, either as judges, translators, historians, or philosophers. There are also the casteless, or “losa” as the manu call them; people who have rejected the system of castes that dominates manu society. They are not criminals; they are the manu that forge their own path, and they often display traits of many of the other castes. These manu are most often the ones that seek out adventure among the stars. Relations: Manu maintain positive relationships
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with most other races, who wish to trade for manu goods or services. However, they are in fierce competition with goblins when it comes to manufacturing spacefaring technologies, who have stolen or copied many wonders that were first created by manu.
P laying
M anu :
Manu live and work within a caste system that is not immediately obvious to outsiders, as it is not identified by any clothing or appearance on their homeworld. Because of these subtleties, those that are not manu can often have trouble integrating into societies where manu form the majority, leading to a rise in racial tensions. To combat this trend, manu that live with other races often adapt identifying clothing or mannerism to help others to understand which caste a particular individual belongs to. Mistaking a guardian for a laborer could potentially cause a minor incident in a mixed society. Alignment and Religion: While manu are often of good alignment, this is not necessarily a universal trait. As creative, constructive beings, manu prefer to create rather than to destroy, though their creations tend to be just as chaotic in application as they are to be orderly. Manu favor deities that promote travel, knowledge, magic, the stars, and trade, or humbler concepts such as community or cooperation. Some also follow faiths that promote artifice, imagination, memories, or runic writings, finding comfort and solace in creation or remembrance. Adventurers: Manu infrequently become adventurers, preferring to stay within their societal structures and work to the benefit of their people. However, those that do often hear the calling of the stars and feel the tugging of inspiration and exploration. Male Names: Aakil, Farrar, Gyan, Izar, Quain, Stian, Tarak, Ved
Female Names: Astraia, Bao, Fenna, Ganya, Hoku, Sidra, Waneta, Zella
A lternate R acial T raits The following racial traits may be selected instead of the standard racial traits for manu. Consult your GM before selecting these options. Goblinfoe: Competition between manu and goblins can be so fierce that some manu develop a deep-seated animosity toward goblins that can drive them to be reckless. Manu with this trait gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against goblins and a +2 bonus to all saving throws against fear effects.
R aces M anu R acial T raits
Ability Scores: +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom: Manu are . clever, wise, and resourceful.
Racial Hit Points: 4 HP Type and Size: Manu are humanoids with the manu subtype, and are Medium creatures. Craft Magitech: Manu gain a +1 racial bonus to Mysticism checks and Engineering checks to craft tech items, and they always treat these skills as class skills. They also gain a +1 bonus to all Craft checks to create magical items. Darkvision: Manu can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Magesense: Manu can use detect magic as a constant spell-like ability. The caster level of this spell-like ability is equal to the manu’s character level. Master Tinker: Manu gain a +1 bonus to Computers checks to disable a computer system and Engineering checks to disable devices. They are also proficient with any weapon they have personally crafted.
Snap Innovation: Once per day, a manu can treat their character level as if it were 4 higher for the purposes of using any level-based class feature (such as a mechanic’s energy shield trick or an operative’s field treatment exploit). This trait does not give manu early access to level-based powers; it only affects powers they could already use without this trait. Regardless of the ability that is boosted, the effect will only last for one round. Languages: Manu speak Manu. A manu with a high Intelligence score can choose from the following: Aklo, Aurelian, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, or Pasimachus. This trait replaces master tinker.
R acial A rchetypes M ystic T echnician The mystic technician is one of the master craftspeople of the manu race, capable of creating magitech items with great speed and ease. They use these items to help them pursue greater marvels of innovation to improve their lives, and the lives of their friends and fellow citizens.
2nd-Level Alternative Class Feature Assayer (Ex): At 2nd level, a technician adds ½ his level to Engineering checks to disable devices
and Mysticism checks to disarm magical traps. In addition, he gains a +4 insight bonus on Mysticism checks made to identify the properties and command words of magic items in his possession. This bonus increases to +8 at 6th level, and by +4 every four levels thereafter to a maximum of +20 at 18th level.
4th-Level Alternative Class Feature Magitech Resistance (Su): At 4th level, a technician gains a +2 bonus to all saving throws to resist magical effects caused by magical items. This bonus increases to +4 at 6th level, and to +6 at 8th level.
6 th -L eve l A ltern ative C la ss F eature Swift Craftsman (Ex): At 6th level, a technician can create magical items with astounding speed. It
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takes a technician half the normal amount of time to create magical items.
12 th -L evel A lt e r nat i ve C la s s F eat ure Spell Resistance (Su): At 12th level, the technician gains spell resistance equal to (10 + ½ the technician’s character level).
M anu F eats M artial A cuity (C ombat , M anu ) Your ability to quickly assess complex patterns applies even to dangerous situations. Prerequisites: Int 15, manu Benefit: Whenever you would gain a bonus to attack rolls or to AC due to battlefield position, such as flanking, higher ground, or cover, you gain an additional +2 insight bonus.
R elic D ealer (M anu ) Knowing the value of your goods and what goes into making them has made you a master at dealing with merchants. Prerequisites: Cha 15, Culture 2 ranks, Diplomacy 2 ranks, manu Benefit: Whenever you are attempting to improve the attitude of a creature in order to bargain for a magical item (either buying or selling), you may roll Diplomacy twice and take the better result.
S tronglung (M anu ) Working in environments that could be airless at any moment has taught you to control your breathing. Prerequisites: Con 13, Endurance, manu Benefit: Whenever you are deprived of air, you may hold your breath for an additional number of rounds equal to four times your Constitution
modifier (minimum 4). You also gain an additional +4 bonus to Fortitude saves to resist any spell or effect that causes you to be deprived of air.
M anu M agic I tems Item
Grav Jacket
2, credits
G rav J ac ket Developed especially for work in zero-gravity environments, this bulky black jacket helps keep the wearer stable when gravity is lost. If a spacecraft loses gravity, anyone wearing a grav jacket remains able to walk upon the nearest solid surface within 5 feet as if gravity was normal, including walls or ceilings. In addition, when in zero gravity, the wearer of a grav jacket gains a +10 competence bonus made to attempt high jumps or long jumps. A grav jacket does not grant any special protection against spells such as reverse gravity.
M anu S pells S uppress M ag ic
School abjuration; Level mystic 3, technomancer 3 Casting Time 1 standard action Range touch Effect one magic item Duration 1 round/level Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance no This spell temporarily suppresses the mana flow in a magical object. The magical item must make a Will save or be turned into a normal item for the duration of the spell. An item in a creature’s possession uses its own Will save bonus or its owner’s Will save
R aces bonus, whichever is higher. If an item’s saving throw results in a natural 1 on the die, the item’s magic is suppressed for twice the normal duration of the spell.
M anu R acial T heme : S hipbuilder Theme Knowledge (1st): You’ve spent years helping to create and repair engineered items. When you successfully use the aid another action to aid an ally’s Engineering check, that character gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the check (in addition to the +2 bonus normally granted for successfully aiding another). Engineering also becomes a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 on Engineering checks. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to your Intelligence score. 20
Builder Prodigy (6th): After years of working on spacefaring vessels, learning the ins and outs of their design and construction, you have become a master builder. You gain a +4 bonus to Engineering checks to craft or repair parts of spacefaring vessels, and you never damage such items you attempt to repair, no matter how much you fail the check by. Jury-Rig (12th): You’ve become adept at using cheaper materials without reducing the stability or reliability of the vessels you create. You may add your character level to the build points of a vessel you build without increasing its cost. If you are part of an adventuring crew, this build point increase applies to your crew’s starship as long as you travel with the crew. Master Shipbuilder (18th): Fixing things is cathartic for you, and can even recharge you. Once per day, when you successfully repair a technological item with the Engineering skill, you regain 1 Resolve Point.
Ù Ù P asimachi After devastation rained down upon their homeworld in the form of a massive meteor shower that destroyed an entire hemisphere, the surviving pasimachi took to the stars to ensure the survival of their race. Having colonized three new homeworlds since, the pasimachi have forged a greater bond as a people and are one of the most unified races in the known galaxy. They have waged no wars against one another and have developed a hive-like culture in which all pasimachi are considered kin and any conflict with those that are not pasimachi are faced collectively before resolving conflict between each other. As a relatively new race to spacefaring, pasimachi have an innate sense of curiosity and awe regarding the universe’s wonders, and they have no long-standing traditions regarding most other species, or the dangers of the void. This can lead to some naivety when dealing with more “space wise” races, and new encounters are often met with either an overwhelming sense of optimism, or among the more jaded members of pasimachi society, with an overly cautious or aggressive demeanor. Pasimachi have a strong attachment to their past; those that maintain a positive perspective view their race’s history as a testament to their strength and ability to survive any adversity, while those that have a negative outlook tend to focus on the tragedy of their home planet’s destruction. Either way, they tend to hold grudges, fervently seek to repay debts, and form attachments to people, places, and things quite easily. Pasimachi are builders; not in the same way that dwarves are craftspeople, but pasimachi tend to want to create things that will last. Their most populous planet, Colmea, has grand, mountainlike hive-cities that were constructed to mimic the largest mountain ranges from their original homeworld, Coi-Linea. They also build grand tombs
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to honor their greatest leaders and heroes, temples for their gods, and massive public works projects that benefit millions of people. When part of mixed societies, they push for similar projects, just so that they can be a part of their construction. Physical Description: The average pasimachus is a beetle-like monstrous humanoid that stands around six feet tall, has a bulky build, and has either a black, green, or reddish-brown exoskeleton. They have three segmented digits on each hand and foot, and toughened shell-like wings (known as elytra) cover their backs, hiding and protecting vestigial hind wings. They have multifaceted, black eyes, and a pair of sinuous antennae that reposition themselves according to the pasimachus’ mood, which is useful for those that interact with pasimachi, since they don’t have any other recognizable facial expressions that communicate mood or tone. Relations: Pasimachi and dwarves have somewhat of a rivalry, as dwarven craftsmen look down upon the comparatively crude workings of the pasimachi, and the pasimachi feel that dwarven craftsmanship is ostentatious. Watching pasimachi and dwarves argue amuses many other races quite a bit, and so most other humanoids welcome pasimachi openly, despite their insectoid appearance, which can be startling to those who do not expect to encounter them. Society: Prior to the destruction of their homeworld nearly years ago, pasimachi were a fractious species, with constant infighting between clans. Since leaving their uninhabitable home planet, the pasimachi have set aside their rivalries and worked to strengthen the bonds between their peoples. Now, the clans work together to ensure the survival of their race, like worker bees doing their part to ensure the success of their colony, and are stronger than ever. If there are any dissidents among them, they keep such activities carefully hidden. Within their own clans, pasimachi are prone to
demonstrations of strength and battle prowess. They also carve runes into their exoskeletons, in similar fashion to other races tattooing their skin, to proclaim their allegiance to their clan, or intimidate their rivals. Alignment and Religion: Generally eventempered, pasimachi can be prone to explosive behavior when pushed to extremes. Most pasimachi are neutral-good, working together for the betterment of their society, but not concerning themselves overmuch with following rules or established procedures to get the job done. They prefer to worship deities of community, protection, and travel, as those are the gods whose values most closely mirror their own.
R aces P asimachus R acial T raits .
Ability Scores: +4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence: Pasimachi are exceptionally strong, but not particularly agile
or clever. Racial Hit Points: 4 HP Type and Size: Pasimachi are humanoids with the pasimachus subtype, and are Medium creatures. Slow and Steady: Pasimachi have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance. Darkvision: Pasimachi can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Insectoid: Pasimachi are monstrous humanoids with the insectoid subtype. Climb: Pasimachi have a climb speed of 20 feet, and gain a +8 racial bonus to Athletics checks to climb thanks to that climb speed. Expert Climber: Pasimachi can cling to cave walls and even ceilings if the surface has hand and footholds. In effect, Pasimachi are treated as being constantly under the effects of a non-magical spider climb spell, save that Pasimachi cannot cling to smooth surfaces. This trait doubles the normal +8 racial bonus to Athletics checks to climb normally granted to creatures with a climb speed (to a total +16 bonus). Hardened Carapace: Pasimachi gain a +2 bonus to their EAC and KAC. Shell Slam: Pasimachi gain a slam attack as a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of damage. 22
Stability: Pasimachi receive a +4 racial bonus to their KAC when resisting bull rush or trip attempts while standing on the ground. Languages: Pasimachi start with Common and Pasimachus. Pasimachi with high Intelligence scores can choose from Abiarazi, Aklo, Aurellian, Dwarf, Gnome, Manu, or Orc. Adventurers: Many pasimachi who choose to lead lives of adventure often seek out new worlds that could potentially be settled by their people. They are not a race that is particularly prone to conquest, so finding worlds unclaimed by other races is preferable to territorial disputes. However, they are fierce protectors of their homes, families, friends, and possessions; almost to a fault. Male Names: Akrek, Charoc, Hiklekk, Kriq, Negatok, Prek, Salkik, Zedakek Female Names: Arrareen, Chiriek, Ekeena, Iqreena, Keesla, Meessakek, Qorah, Teece
A lternate R acial T raits The following racial traits may be selected instead of the standard racial traits for pasimachi. Consult your GM before selecting these options. Acidic Spittle: Capable of breathing out sprays of acid, pasimachi with this trait may breathe a blast of acid once per day as a standard action that deals 2d6 damage in a 30’ cone. All creatures within the affected area must make a Reflex saving throw, DC 10 + ½ the user’s character level + the user’s Constitution modifier. Those who succeed at the save only take half damage from the attack. This trait replaces expert climber.
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Chitin Horn: Sprouting a large, sharp growth of exoskeleton from the head, a pasimachus with this trait gains one natural gore attack as a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 piercing damage. This trait replaces shell slam. Exhale Fire: Capable of breathing out gouts of flame, pasimachi with this trait may breathe a blast of fire once per day as a standard action that deals 1d6 damage in a 15’ cone. All creatures within the affected area must make a Reflex saving throw to avoid taking damage. The save DC against this breath weapon is 10 + ½ the user’s character level + the user’s Constitution modifier. Those who succeed at the save take no damage from the attack. This trait replaces shell slam. Hardened Claws: Certain warrior pasimachi have developed harder, sharper claws than their brethren. They receive two claw attacks. These are primary natural attacks that deal 1d4 damage. This trait replaces hardened carapace and shell slam. Flight: Some pasimachi have stronger, larger hind wings than their peers. These pasimachi have a fly speed of 30 feet with clumsy maneuverability. This trait replaces hardened carapace and stability. Lasher: Having longer and more finelycontrolled antennae than most pasimachi, those that possess this trait are capable of making attacks with them. Pasimachi have long antennae that they can use to make attacks of opportunity with a reach of 5 feet. Their antennae are capable of making a single secondary natural attack, allowing you to attack with them at a -5 penalty along with your other attacks. This attack deals 1d8 points of damage plus the user’s Strength modifier. This trait replaces hardened carapace. Light Affinity: Certain pasimachi are immune to light-based blindness and dazzle effects, and are treated as one level higher when determining the effects of any light-based spells or effects they cast (including spell-like and supernatural abilities). In addition, once per day a pasimachus can emit light
similar to that of a torch for a number of minutes equal to its character level. This trait replaces hardened carapace and stability. Swarming: Pasimachi are used to living and fighting communally with other members of their race. Up to two pasimachi with this trait can share the same square at the same time. If two such pasimachi that are occupying the same square attack the same foe, they are considered to be flanking that foe as if they were in two opposite squares. This trait replaces shell slam and stability. Tunnel Master: Accustomed to digging and tunneling, pasimachi with this trait gain a burrow speed of 30 feet. They also gain a +1 bonus to Physical Science checks involving geology and to Survival checks made while underground. This trait replaces climb, expert climber, and hardened carapace.
R acial S ubtypes While most pasimachi follow the general model
P laying
P asimachus :
R aces of the pasimachi, there are many subspecies of pasimachus that differ from the standard. Those subspecies manifest different characteristics from their peers in both appearance and ability. Presented here are 9 variant pasimachus heritages for PCs to choose from. From the bioluminescent fireflies to pasimachi with long antennae that they wield like whips, some pasimachi were bred for traits that may prove useful to an adventurer. If you choose one of these subspecies, you should work with your GM to ensure that your character’s appearance matches with the type chosen. The racial traits that are listed in each entry replace standard pasimachus traits just as they do above. Blisterbeetle Pasimachi: Inhabitants of the tangleworld Sharrikin, blisterbeetle pasimachi have developed powerful acid glands in their mouths that they can use to spray acid at their foes. Blisterbeetle pasimachi have the acidic spittle trait. 24
Cavern Pasimachi: Some clans of pasimachi live their lives deep beneath the earth, mining for precious metals and gems, or creating vast underground cities. These pasimachi have the tunnel master trait. Firefly Pasimachi: These pasimachi have adapted to dark or underground environs, having bioluminescent skin that can glow atwill underneath their carapace, emitting a pale green light strong enough to see by. They are also capable of exhaling blasts of fire. Firefly pasimachi have the exhale fire and light affinity traits. Rhino Pasimachi: Having evolved a large horn atop their heads, rhino pasimachi charge into the fray, unafraid of taking the lead in combat. Rhino pasimachi have the chitin horn trait. Scarabswarm Pasimachi: Scarabswarm pasimachi are a close-knit war clan that constantly train to act in concert with one another to defeat their foes. Scarabswarm pasimachi have the swarming racial trait.
Sharpclaw Pasimachi: This clan of pasimachi live in remote wilderness areas where they must struggle to survive with few resources. They have come to rely upon their own natural gifts to survive out in the wild lands. These pasimachi have the hardened claws trait. Whiplash Pasimachi: Having longer and more sensitive antennae than other pasimachus clans, these warriors have developed their control over their own antennae to the point that they can use them in combat. These pasimachi have the lasher racial trait. Windrunner Pasimachi: Having adapted to the tangleworld, Sharrikin, and its megaflora jungles, these pasimachi have the flight racial trait.
R acial A rchetypes B ombardier B eetlecycle R ider Mounted atop a sleek but deadly enercycle styled after a huge beetle, the bombardier beetlecycle rider charges into the fray with ferocity. She shatters formations and her bombardier beetlecycle shreds the armor of her foes as they charge past the twisted remains of their enemies, surging forward onto victory.
2 nd -L eve l A ltern ative C la ss F eature Battle Beetlecycle (Ex): At 2nd level, a bombardier beetlecycle rider builds herself a sleek, beetle-shaped enercycle from whatever parts she has scrounged up during her adventuring. This cycle functions as a Basic Enercycle which the rider can modify and repair using her Engineering skill, even untrained if necessary. This cycle is so haphazardly built that only the creator can ride it reliably. Any other creature trying to pilot the beetlecycle takes a -5 penalty to all Piloting checks
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and attack rolls while riding, and even vehicle actions which would not require a check require a Piloting check with DC = 10 + the bombardier beetlecycle rider’s level by anyone other than herself trying to pilot it.
4 th -L evel A lt e r nat i ve C las s F e at u re Armor Crusher (Ex): You’ve become adept at ripping through armor using both your weapons and your cycle itself. At 4th level, the bombardier beetle rider receives a +2 bonus to checks made to sunder an item while mounted. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Combat Maneuver and similar feats. In addition, the rider has installed a special battering ram on the front of her cycle which can be used to attempt a sunder combat maneuver instead of a standard ram action. If the attempt is successful, the beetlecycle takes only ¼ the normal damage from the collision. If the target has no armor, the beetlecycle deals damage to the target itself as normal.
8 th -L evel A lt e r nat i ve C las s F e at u re Hovering Beetle (Ex): At 8th level, the bombardier beetlecycle rider is able to make a significant upgrade to her beetlecycle. The beetlecycle’s base statistics become that of a Hover Pod. Any upgrades the rider has done to her cycle are carried over to its new version.
12 th -L evel A lt e r nat i ve C la s s F eat ure Vengeful Rider (Ex): At 12th level, a bombardier beetlecycle rider’s cycle becomes almost like an extension of her own body. Double the threat range of any weapons wielded during a charge while riding the beetlecycle. This increase does not stack with other effects that increase the threat range of the weapon. In addition, whenever an opponent makes an attack of opportunity against you or your cycle, you may make a sunder attempt against that opponent as an immediate action. This sunder attempt is made before the target’s attack resolves, and if your attack is successful, the damage is increased by half (+50%).
P asimachus F eats O ne L ucky B ug (P asimachus ) You are considered a good luck charm among your allies. Prerequisite: Charisma 13, pasimachus Benefit: Twice per day, after one ally within 60 feet rolls a natural 1 on a saving throw, or a critical hit is confirmed against them, you may allow them to either reroll that saving throw, or force the creature that confirmed the critical hit against them to reroll the attack roll. This does not stack with other effects that allow them to reroll a saving throw or an attack roll. After allowing your ally to make a reroll, if your ally succeeds at their saving throw on their reroll, or if the attack fails upon rerolling, you gain a +1 luck bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks for one round.
P owerful W ings (P asimachus ) Your wings are much stronger than those of your peers, and your ability to fly is unrivaled among your kind. Prerequisite: Character level 5th, flight racial trait, pasimachus Benefit: Your fly speed is increased by 5 feet, and your maneuverability is upgraded by one step (from clumsy to poor). Special: You can gain this feat up to four times. Each time you take this feat, your fly speed increases by an additional 5 feet, and your maneuverability is upgraded by one additional step.
R aces
P heromone M essaging (P asimachus )
S elective P heromone M essaging (P asimachus )
Your body is capable of secreting special pheromones that you can use to communicate with other members of your race.
You can control your pheromones to the point where you can exclude some pasimachi from your pheromone communication.
Prerequisite: You may only select this feat at 1st level, pasimachus
Prerequisite: Pheromone Messaging, character level 4th, pasimachus
Benefit: By secreting specialized pheromones, you can send a short message of 25 words or less to every other pasimachus within 30 feet. Any pasimachus receiving the message recognizes you if it knows you. A pasimachus may respond to your message if they also have the Pheromone Messaging feat. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1).
Benefit: When you use Pheromone Messaging, you can choose a number of targets in the area up to your Charisma modifier. These targets are not affected by your pheromone messaging.
Creatures with the sense through (scent) ability can detect a pasimachus using their pheromones as if the scent was strong for 2d8 rounds after the message is sent out.
S onic D issonance (P asimachus ) You can create various tones by rubbing your mandibles together, which can be used to prevent others from concentrating. Prerequisite: Pasimachus Benefit: As a full action, you may rub your mandibles together rapidly, creating a high-pitched sound that makes concentration difficult. Casting spells within 20 ft. of the pasimachus using Sonic Dissonance requires a Will save (DC 15 + the level of the spell being cast) otherwise the spell fails. In addition, the DC of Perception checks involving hearing within 20 ft. is increased by 5. These effects end at the beginning of your turn unless you use another full action to continue the effects.
S tinkbug (P asimachus ) You possess stink glands on your abdomen, which you may use to nauseate your foes. Prerequisite: Character level 5th, pasimachus Benefit: You may, as a standard action once per day, expel noxious vapors from your abdomen as per the spell stinking cloud (caster level equals the pasimachus’ level). You are immune to your own stink gland secretions.
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P asimachi E quipment Pasimachi have access to the following equipment.
B at tl e B ee t l e Specially trained mounts of pasimachi battle riders, battle beetles serve both as riding animals and as protective companions. Stables that are capable of accommodating the massive insects are rarely found outside of pasimachi worlds or major metropoles, but make for excellent mounts once they become mature enough to fly. These creatures require exotic saddles to ride. See page for statistics for the battle beetle.
and once in place, the scarab latches onto the bearer’s heart and awaits direction. Up to three times per day on command, the beetle activates powerful healing magic, exactly as if a mystic cure spell of 3rd level had been cast upon the bearer.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells greater celestial healing; Special creator must be at least 10th level; Cost 17, credits
P asimachi S pells D ea dly C hitin D ef ense
School transmutation; Level mystic 1 Casting Time 1 standard action Range touch
P as i m ach i L u m o s Stored in sealed spherical glass vials, pasimachi lumos is, essentially, liquid light. Harvested from the bioluminescent glands of firefly pasimachi, these vials emit a torchlike light in a ft, radius, which increases the light level by one step.
P asimachus M agic I tems H e artb e at B e e tl e
Aura moderate conjuration (healing) [good]; CL 7th; Slot none; Price 33, credits; Item Level 12; Weight .1 lb. This golden clockwork scarab beetle seems to be an interesting enough curiosity. However, if it is held for more than 1 round, or carried in a living creature’s possession for more than 1 minute, it animates into a clicking and whirring mechanical insect. The beetle tears through any leather or cloth, burrows into flesh, and reaches the bearer’s heart in 1 round. This causes no damage,
Target 1 creature that has a natural armor bonus Duration 10 minutes/level Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless) The target creature sprouts dozens of thornlike projections, like a patch of thorny brambles, made up of bone or chitin. These do not harm the armor’s wearer (though donning or removing armor under the effects of this spell takes twice as long), but they act as armor spikes. Any creature attacking the target creature with natural weapons takes 1 point of piercing damage for each attack that hits. At 5th level, the spikes gain a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls; this bonus increases to +2 at 10th level. At 15th level, the spikes also gain the holy weapon quality.
H ive M ind
School enchantment [mind-affecting]; Level mystic 5, technomancer 5 Casting Time 1 standard action
R aces Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets one willing creature/four levels, no two of which may be more than 30 ft. apart
Gain electricity resistance 5 and acid resistance 5.
Gain acid resistance 5 and cold resistance 5.
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Gain cold resistance 5 and sonic resistance 5.
You link your mind together with that of one or more willing creatures within range, creating a hive mind that allows you to process thought faster and more efficiently. All creatures sharing the hive mind are immune to flanking. Additionally, for every creature sharing the hive mind, all creatures sharing the hive mind gain a +1 bonus to initiative, a +1 bonus to Will saves, and a +1 bonus on Intelligence-based skill and ability checks.
Gain sonic resistance 5 and fast healing 5.
Gain fast healing 5 and DR/5 magic.
Duration 10 minutes/level
P r i s m at i c S h e ll 28
School abjuration; Level technomancer 4 Casting Time 1 standard action Range personal Effect you Duration 7 rounds A glittering vortex of energy swirls around you for one brief, shining moment, and then it settles down upon your body, infusing your skin with a protective shell of magic. Each round, the protection granted by this spell changes to a new effect as the magic shell changes color, beginning with red in the first round of the effect. The caster also gains a +4 armor bonus to EAC and KAC for the duration of the spell.
Effects of Color
Gain DR 5/magic and fire resistance 5.
Gain fire resistance 5 and electricity resistance 5.
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Transgenics are truly children of the stars. They are the offspring of a human and an alien race, with either an alien father and human mother or an alien mother and human father. Sometimes this resulting offspring may have been the result of a magical rather than a natural union, even though they are still able to mate with other transgenics and other races. Transgenics often call themselves a “brood.” Some choose to live with human family, but often, their alien ancestry is unknown, which often motivates them to learn more about their alien side. Thus, transgenics tend to be explorers searching to find out more about themselves and their lineage. What they do at the end of this search depends on the transgenic, but if the cause of their existence was an unwilling union, they might choose to take revenge on that parent. At the core of what makes a transgenic, is they just want to explore the different aspects that make them themselves. Physical Description: They appear to be mostly human, but no matter how usual the body of their alien ancestor, transgenics will have humanoid body shape including one head with two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two arms, two legs, ten fingers, and ten toes. However, their skin color tends to favor their alien ancestry with hues ranging from blue, green or even red. Their eyes closely resemble human eyes, but the shape of the iris tend to more elliptical rather than circular and the colors of their eyes can be literally any color including blue, green, red, brown, gray, black, orange, etc. A transgenic’s hair can range anywhere from bald to full, straight to curly or even naturally spiky, and will often have unusual coloring such as bright crimson red or lime green. They are normally around five and a half feet tall and weigh about pounds. Society: As a half-race, transgenics do not have a homeworld of their own. They must live within other societies and adapt to them, which like other half-races, forces transgenics to remain versatile.
Because they are usually more familiar with other races of the void, many transgenics are able to act as diplomats between planet-bound races and space traveling races. However, there are some very rare colonies that consist entirely of transgenics, usually made of outcasts or transgenics tired of dealing with other races. Relations: Transgenics see themselves as a “half race”, so they find themselves most at ease with other half races including half-elves, half-orcs, aasimar, and tieflings. These “half races” do share a kinship with transgenics as well. Transgenics are courteous to “full races”, but are cautious when making commitments, such as adventuring with them. Of all the other races, they get along best with humans and halflings. Their relations with dwarves, elves, and gnomes is tenuous at best. Alignment and Religion: Transgenics may be any alignment, however most tend to be some sort of neutral. If their ancestry is known, some transgenics might attempt to emulate their alien ancestor’s behavior and thus have the same alignment. Transgenics tend to worship the gods of the void, feeling more comfortable with those that respect space and the void. Some transgenics are known to worship the insane elder gods. Adventurers: Searching for answers to their alien heritage draws many transgenics out adventuring. Some search to find their ancestors or others of their ancestral race, while other could care less and adventure for gold or for adventure itself. They enjoy traveling to new worlds to experience all that the universe has to offer, but they typically do not stay long, yearning for the next adventure, traversing the starways and can often be found working in dockyards as engineers aboard a vessel, or as pioneers in search of a habitable world upon which to found a colony. Many transgenics do establish a home, stronghold, or even space station if they find a place that makes them happy. Male Names: Aarush, Ba’nor, Jatin, Kar’thall,
R aces Ta’run, Saresh
modifier to different racial skills.
Female Names: Akshara, D’lynn, Ja’ha, Nesha, Raswilay, Sa’ranni
Alternate Ability Modifiers: The listed ability score modifiers replace the standard transgenic ability score modifiers.
A lternate R acial T raits The following racial traits may be selected instead of the standard racial traits for transgenics. Consult your GM before selecting these options. Alien Resistance: A transgenic with this trait may select one type of energy: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic, and gain resistance 5 to their chosen energy type. Once this choice is made, it can never be changed. This trait replaces void survival.
Diplomat: Transgenics are skilled in negotiations and dealing with other races whether they be planet-bound or starfaring. Such transgenics gain a +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks. Their long days at well lit negotiation tables have cost them some of their ancestral dark vision though. This trait replaces darkvision. Humanlike: Some transgenics have extremely distant alien ancestry. A transgenic with this racial trait counts as a humanoid (transgenic) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humans. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces racial skills and alters the transgenic’s subtype.
A nunnaki -B rood (L antern - progeny ) Lantern-progeny feel the pull of their ancestors urge to create things and tinker others’ lives.
A ncestry A nunnaki Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity Racial Skills: Anunnaki-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Heal and Knowledge (any one) checks. Alternate Transgenic Flyer Feat (Ex): Mechanical-looking wings sprout from their shoulder blades. Like their anunnaki forebears, anunnaki-brood have stony gray skin, high foreheads and dark, sunken eyes. Those who gain the gift of flight grow mechanical-looking wings like their forebears. The anunnaki-brood often feel an urgent need to create; be it offspring, some work of art, construct a building, or even something as simple as farming. So long as they can see tangible progress, they find contentment in their work. Regardless of where they can be found, most come from worlds where anunnaki have visited and steered the course of evolution.
S ubraces A transgenic’s subrace can modify the abilities that they possess, based upon the nature of their alien ancestry. Alternate Racial Skills: While most transgenics gain a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Survival checks, those of the subraces listed below gain a
A atheriexa -B rood (H undred - eye - progeny ) Hundred-eye-progeny are smart and light on their feet.
A ncestry A atheriexa Replacement Racial Traits
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Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom Racial Skills: Aatheriexa-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Perception checks Aatheriexa-brood share the pink colored skin of their alien ancestor. Because their humanoid form is so different than that of their ancestors, some hundred-eye-progeny feel they are trapped in their bodies.
E lder T hing -B rood (B arrel - progeny ) Barrel-progeny are descended from Old Ones and have the stamina to survive longer than others in extreme situations.
C thulhu -B rood (O ctopus - progeny ) These haughty descendants of the Old Ones are known to live amongst other species, flaunting their power and dominance over others.
A ncestry S tar S pawn of C thulhu Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity Racial Skills: Cthulhu-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Intimidate and Swim checks. Alternate Transgenic Flyer Feat (Ex): Draconic wings sprout from their back. Cthulhu-broods have green skin and their hair grows into deadlocks, whether it is on their head or if they grow a beard. Some are known to develop draconic-like wings. Octopus-progeny often share their ancestors view that they are better than other lifeforms. Some Cthulhu-brood have eerie callings to worship Cthulhu.
R aces T ransgenic R acial T raits
Ability Scores : +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution:Transgenics have superior strength and intelligence, but the combination of their bloodlines has made them sickly.
Racial Hit Points 4HP Type and Size: Transgenics are humanoids with the transgenic subtype and are Medium creatures. Darkvision: Transgenics can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Racial Skills: Transgenics gain a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Survival. Void Survival: Transgenics can survive in the void of space longer than normal humanoids. Their body adapts to allow them to survive by slowing down their breathing for 10 minutes per point of Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 minute) beyond the normal rules for survival in the void. Individual Telepathy: Transgenics may mentally communicate with a single creature within 50 ft., but otherwise this ability is identical to the telepathy ability. They may use this ability for a total of one round per day per character level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Languages: Transgenics speak Common and Aklo. Transgenics with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aurelian, Common, Dwarven, Elder Thing, Elven, Manu, or Pasimachus. 32
A ncestry E lder T hing Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength Racial Skills: Elder thing-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Perception and Swim checks. Elder Thing Fluent: Elder thing-broods begin play speaking Elder Thing instead of Aklo, however they may learn Aklo as one of their languages gained from high Intelligence. Trance (Ex): As a full-round action, elder thingbroods can put themselves in a trance that allows them to slow their body and bodily functions to a state that enables them to not require food, nor air, for a preset time period up to 2 hours per character level. This replaces individual telepathy. Alternate Transgenic Flyer Feat (Ex): A set of pink wings grow from their back.
Elder thing-broods have pink-gray skin like their ancestor. They share their ancestor’s interest in life, art, architecture, and war. Many barrel-progeny do not feel comfortable around other living things and have a strong desire to seek out elder things and learn more about the Old Ones.
G ray -B rood (P robe - progeny ) Probe-progeny are inquisitive oval headed results of alien experimentation.
A ncestry G ray Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength Racial Skills: Gray-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Knowledge (any one) and Sense Motive checks. Gray-broods have gray skin, black eyes, and their
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head is a little bulbous like their gray ancestors. Oftentimes, probe-progeny are the result of a gray ancestor’s experiment. They are seekers of knowledge of any kind, even going to extremes. Gray-broods are known for doing such things as experimenting on other beings or dissecting the monsters they defeat in battle.
S hobhad -B rood (R ifle - progeny ) Rifle-progeny are gun carrying roughnecks that will do anything to get the job done.
A ncestry S hobhad Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits:+2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence Racial Skills: Shobhad-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Intimidate and Survival checks. Ferocity (Ex): Once per day, when a shobhadbrood is brought to 0 Hit Points, she can remain conscious and continue fighting, though she must spend a Resolve Point every round to remain conscious, and if her Resolve Points are brought to 0, she dies. This replaces individual telepathy. Shobhad-broods have a shobhad parent, sharing the same green-gray skin color. Because of their ferocity, rifle-progeny find kinship with half-orcs more than they do with other transgenics.
W itchwyrd -B rood (B olt - progeny ) Bolt-progeny have magic at their fingertips and are not afraid to use it.
A ncestry W itchwyrd Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom Racial Skills: Witchwyrd-brood gain a +2 racial
bonus to Intimidate and Knowledge (arcana, geography, or planes) checks. Magic Missile (Sp): Witchwyrd-brood may use magic missile once a day as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to their character level. This replaces individual telepathy. Witchwyrd-broods have blue-gray skin and some even shave their heads bald to be more like their witchwyrd ancestors. Like their ancestors, they feel the urge to keep their racial identity a secret by wearing clothes that covers their bodies, which may seem odd to others as they also prefer warmer climates.
Y ithian -B rood (S pherical - progeny ) Spherical-progeny seek to find that little piece of knowledge that will give them the edge to live another day. 33
P laying
T ransgenic
R aces Z urkhan -B rood (C onqueror - progeny )
A ncestry Y ithian Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits:+2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Dexterity Racial Skills: Yithian-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Knowledge (any one) and Perception checks. Yithian-broods have strange orange skin like their alien ancestors and like the yithians, they enjoy controlling the minds of others. Sphericalprogeny often seek roles that give the ability to read and control minds, so many become mystics.
Y og -S othoth -B rood (S quirm - progeny ) Squirm-progeny, the legacy of the Great Old Ones, hide within the ranks of other creatures, squirming and writhing. 34
A ncestry S pawn S othoth
Y og -
Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence Racial Skills: Yog-Sothoth-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Athletics and Intimidate checks. Invisibility (Sp): Yog-Sothoth-broods may use invisibility once a day as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to their character level. This replaces individual telepathy. Yog-Sothoth-broods have purple skin and their hair is usually the same color purple, but black and white hair is also known. The Great Old One blood that flows through them often leads to them feeling superior to other living beings.
Conqueror-progeny are strong, fast, and willing to take what they desire using a combination of brute strength and intellectual superiority.
A ncestry Z urkhan Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom Racial Skills: Zurkhan-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Intimidate and Sense Motive checks. Zurkhans are race of space traveling conquerors and often mate with the creatures of planets their have taken over. Zurkhan-brood share their ancestor’s multicolored red-black-gray skin and depending on their zurkhan ancestor’s caste, one of these colors are more prominent than the others. Gray patches represent a soldier caste, red patches represent caster castes, while black patches are often scouts.
R acial A rchetypes X enofilos A xenofilos is an explorer, searching for ways that she can control things with her mind including weapons, the thoughts of others, and even herself. Prerequisites: Only a solarian may take this archetype, and the alternative class features listed below can only replace solarian class features.
2 nd -L eve l A ltern ative C la ss F eature Sidereal Telepathy (Su): At 2nd level, a xenofilos can meditate for one minute in order to use her individual telepathy racial ability for one minute without spending a daily use of that ability. Any transgenic that does not have the individual telepathy racial ability may instead gain one
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additional use of the ability that replaced individual telepathy.
4 th -L evel A lt e r nat i ve C las s F e at u re Telekinetic Weapon (Su): At 4th level, a xenofilos may spend one attunement point (either graviton or photon) as a standard action to telekinetically control a single unattended melee weapon weighing no more than 2 lbs./level within 5 ft./level for up to 1 minute or until the she is no longer in combat, whichever occurs first. She may instead use this ability with her solar weapon, allowing it to attack creatures outside her normal reach (this overrules the rule that solar weapons are dismissed if they leave the hand of their creator). Spending an attunement point in this way may cause the xenofilos to become unattuned. If the weapon goes outside her range or she loses sense of it, the weapon will drop to the ground (or be dismissed, in the case of a solar weapon) and this effect ends immediately. The weapon attacks any opponent within range, as she desires, starting the round that the xenofilos activates this ability. The xenofilos may direct the weapon to attack an enemy as a Standard action. Its attack bonus is equal to her base attack bonus, but uses her Intelligence modifier instead of her Strength modifier on attack rolls. If she is not proficient with the weapon, she applies penalties as normal with these attacks. This attack’s damage is equal to the base damage of the weapon + her Intelligence modifier. As a full-round action, the xenofilos may attack once with a weapon she is wielding and once with her telekinetic weapon, applying penalties for making two attacks as if she were attacking twice with the weapon she is wielding. She may not use the telekinetic weapon for both attacks.
9 th -L evel A lt e r nat i ve C las s F e at u re Telekinetic Doublestrike (Su): At 9th level, a xenofilos may make two attacks with her telekinetic weapon as a full-round action, reducing the penalty for attacking twice in a round to -2 on
each attack (instead of -4). Alternatively, she may make one attack with a weapon she is wielding, as well as two attacks with her telekinetic weapon, applying the normal penalty of -4 to attack rolls for all three attacks.
L eve l A ltern ative C la ss F eature : Telekinetic Volley (Su): At 12th level, a xenofilos may make three attacks with her telekinetic weapon as a full-round action, with each attack taking a -4 penalty as normal. She may also spend an attunement point to telekinetically animate several weapons in a ring around herself for up to 1 minute, granting her a +4 bonus to EAC and KAC. This bonus stacks with that granted by Solar Armor, if the xenofilos chose it. While this abiity is active, creatures that successfully attack the xenofilos with melee weapons, unarmed strikes or natural weapons are dealt 3d6 slashing damage.
T ra nsg eni c S te llar R evelation You must be 2nd level or higher to choose this stellar revelation. Unlike other stellar revelations, exploration spell is not tied to either photon or graviton power, and can be used by the solarian no matter their current attunement.
E xplor ation S pell This revelation grants you abilities to aid you in your explorations of alien worlds. Choose one of the spells listed below. You may cast it once per day as a spell-like ability. This revelation may be chosen more than once; each time, choose a new listed below, and you may cast it once per day as a spell-like ability. Spells - darkvision, disguise self, keen senses, knock, life bubble, see invisibility, spider climb
R aces T ransgenic F eats
T ransgenic F lyer (T ransgenic )
T elepathic E nhancement (T ransgenic )
You have learned how to move without even touching the ground.
You are ability to maintain your telepathic ability for longer periods of time. Prerequisites: Individual telepathy racial ability, 5th character level, transgenic. Benefit: You can use your telepathy a number of minutes per character level, instead of rounds. You must use them in 1 minute increments, however. Special: You may take this feat up to three times. The second time it increases from minutes to hours and the third time may use your telepathy at will.
T elepathic M ultiplex (T ransgenic ) You can communicate with more minds. 36
Prerequisites: Individual telepathy racial ability, 3rd character level, transgenic. Benefit: You may now use your telepathy to communicate with multiple creatures at once, although maintaining a telepathic conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Dex 13, Transgenic Jumper, Acrobatics 9 ranks, transgenic. Benefit: You gain a fly speed equal to your base speed (good maneuverability). You may only fly with this ability when wearing light armor or no armor. This is a supernatural ability. Special: Certain subraces gain extraordinary wings rather than a supernatural flying ability. The wings retain the same speed and maneuverability.
T ransgenic J umper (T ransgenic ) You have tapped into the alien part inside you, allowing you to jump longer distances. Prerequisites: Str 13, Acrobatics 5 ranks, transgenic. Benefit: You can jump a number of feet higher than is normally allowed by the Acrobatics skill equal to your Strength modifier and long jump a number of feet further than is allowed equal to 5 x your Strength modifier. Fly also becomes a class skill for you.
V oid S urvivor (T ransgenic ) T elepathic R ange (T ransgenic ) You are ability to use your telepathic ability at a greater range.
You learn to survive longer in the void of space. Prerequisites: Con 15, void survival racial trait, Survival 5 ranks, transgenic Benefit: You can survive in the void one hour per Constitution modifier, instead of 10 minutes.
Prerequisites: Individual telepathy racial ability, transgenic. Benefit: Each time you take this feat, the range of your telepathy increases by 50 ft. Special: You may take this feat more than once.
Starjammer - Starfinder Compatible Version- Publishing
O ther R aces
D warven E ngineer
Be it through their own inspiration, or the kindness of other space travelers, when a race finally achieves spaceflight, it changes them forever. For fantasy races who are used to sailing seas of water or sand, the stars provide a new venue of challenge, adventure and exploration. Many races who live on worlds with dragons and other magical creatures actually exist in space, and travelers may meet their distant relatives through chance encounters. Space is vast, and there is room for everyone in the void.
The thrum of the machine and the fire of the forge is a religious experience for some dwarves, and they dedicate their lives to the pursuit of technology. Skilled craftspeople and mechanics, these engineers combine the strength of their arms and the power of their god-granted magics to ensure that their vessel-temples continue to traverse the starways. A dwarven engineer has the following class features:
Источник: []C redits Authors: Peter K. Ullmann, Kirby Flake, John Reyst, Troy Daniels, Michael McNeill, Manuel A. Oaxaca, Allen Snyder, Michael Ritter Converted By: Tyler Beck, Kim Frandsen, Michael Ritter, Peter K. Ullmann Editors: Troy Daniels, John Reyst, Sam Hearn Artists: Dio Mahesa, Shaman’s Stockart, Enmanuel Martinez Lema, Juan Ochoa, Gennifer Bone,, Tarakanovich, Doll Divine, JE Shields, Purple Duck Games, Joshua De Santo, Eric Lofgren, Peter Saga Design and Layout: Rick Hershey 2
Associate Editors: Michael McNeill, Luke McManamon, Allen Snyder, Jakob Cherpovsky, Daniel Reynolds, Manuel A. Oaxaca, David Duggan, Kevin Strasser, Dustin Nicholls Volunteer Editors: Donald Helt, Aaron Lesse, Kevin Nguyen, David Scott, Bradley Grant, Tim Snider, Kevin Strasser, Daniel Lane, Florent Hequet, Shawn Cotton, Ando Shollack, Randy Price, Jared G. Reni, Sam Hearn, Aaron Miller, Shawn Adams, J Halverson, J Gorbach, [emailprotected] Line Developers: John Reyst, Troy Daniels, and Peter K. Ullmann Publisher: John Reyst, Publishing Compatibility with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Starfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Inc. See http://paizo. com/starfinder for more information on the Starfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Inc. does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product. Starfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Starfinder® Roleplaying Game and the Starfinder® Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Starfinder® Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http:// for more information on the compatibility license. Open Game Content: All material — including but not limited to art, place and character names, character and setting descriptions, background, and new class descriptions—is Product Identity. All other content is considered Open Game Content. Reference in nonOpen Game Content (thus not covered by the Open Game License) in this work to content owned by others is not a challenge to their ownership and is used under Fair Use. Starjammer is published by Publishing under the Open Game License version a Copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc. © Publishing.
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“The only thing more vast than space itself, is the way humans and their ilk can disrupt even the simplest of plans. That is why they must be exterminated. . . ” - D’zebrik, Zurkhan Advisor
C ontents C ontents I ntroduction
Hazard Details
What is Starjammer? 6 R aces
Planets 76
Abiarazi 10 Manu 16 Pasimachi 20 Transgenic 29 Subraces 27 Dwarves 27 Elves 38 Gnomes 39 Half-elves 41 Half-orcs 42 Halflings 42
Planet Shape Classification
Planet Size Classification
Worlds Beyond Void Gods Other Gods of the Starjammer Setting T raveling
84 94
Crew Roles
The Vessels of Starjammer
Converted Frames
Vessel Types by Size
Sample Spacefaring Vessels
Personal Transportation Devices
Spacefaring Vessel Engines
New Weapons for Spacefaring Vessels
Additional Expansion Bays
Humans 43 Additional Racial Archetypes
44 B easts
New Universal Monster Rules
Archetypes 45
New Monsters
Heliacal Healer
Known Star Beasts
Shock Trooper
Void Tracker
Factions of the Void
Bastion Incantorum
Infinite Star Legion
Israfel Order
Red Tang Spice Guild
Shaman Knights
C lasses
F eats Feats of the Void
55 55
M agic
New Spells
H azards Encounter Chances
69 69
Starjammer - Starfinder Compatible Version- Publishing
I ntroduction
This project has been a long time in the works and is the result of multiple authors putting in countless hours getting it just right. Now it’s up to you, the readers, to take Pathfinder out into the stars, travelling the void, to countless worlds unknown. The void. A seemingly vast emptiness between the multitude of stars, but teeming with life spread far and wide and abundant in both numbers and variety. Those who choose to travel the void exchange the familiar landscapes of their home-worlds for the darkness of the void and the light of foreign suns in search of new horizons, knowledge, or riches. Some become beacons of light and hope while others seek only to plunder. Paths in the void. Travelers between worlds encounter the juxtaposition of the strange intertwined with the recognizable, the comfortable wrapped around the unfamiliar, leaving many ill-at-ease. True adventurers realize that while dangers may lurk in the darkness for the unwary, the wonders of the universe are awaiting discovery and that those who are clever, lucky, or skilled - or some combination of all three - may survive the challenges of the void and build empires that span across worlds.
I ntroduction W hat is S tarjammer ? Starjammer is exploration and adventure in space – from technological marvels that break past the clouds and careen between planets to strange magics developed to explore new worlds. The core concept is to provide a unique experience for players and GMs by facilitating games that span stars rather than just continents and that visit any world they can imagine. While Starjammer is intended to be a complete set of tools to run Pathfinder adventures in the darkness of the void, it is also intended to be compatible with material from third-party publishers. “Additional Resources” sidebars at the end of each chapter provide suggestions for other titles that players and GMs may find useful for expanding their options.
There are many types of adventures to be found in the void: thrilling big-screen one-on-one dogfights between rebel and imperial vessels; episodic prime-time adventures that center on specific missions and explore humanitarian themes; campaigns that allow players to infiltrate enemy vessels as if they were spacefaring dungeons, fighting off pirates, and clearing decks in search of the treasures of the stars; exploring new worlds, races, and civilizations. There is no practical limit to the kinds of adventures or combinations of elements that can be found in your games. Likewise, there is no set definition of what a spacefaring adventure will or should look like - they may contain as much or as little magic or technology as players and GMs desire. An adventure may be almost entirely surface-bound with space vessels existing merely to move from one world to another while other campaigns might play out entirely in the void between the stars. The universal constant is that element of the unknown from distant places that few within the setting ever visit.
First, there may be some confusion! This book was originally planned to be titled “Starfinder” but apparently Paizo Inc. began development on a product they ALSO planned to call Starfinder, but they didn’t know about THIS product. They were very kind and contacted Publishing to ask what could be done. An agreement was made that the name of the Publishing product would change, allowing Paizo to continue developing under that name, and in return Publishing would receive ongoing development notes of their Starfinder project. The book you are reading now is the bounty of that relationship, combining the awesomeness of Starjammer with the incredible Paizo Inc. product - Starfinder. Starjammer, originally published in February , was a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible science fiction game. Now that Starfinder has published, we have updated the rules so that the Manu, Transgenics, and other concepts behind Starjammer can play in the Starfinder universe. Enjoy! What becomes known can never be unlearned, and this poses a very real risk to those who better or worse, even the homeworld of the adventurers. Planetary invasion is a very real possibility in the world of Starjammer, as is colonization. The difference is largely one of perspective, but that does not change the reality that it’s the player’s choice in how to approach their adventures in space.
N avigating
B ook
The chapters of this book examine the necessary elements of adventuring out in the void, such as new species, class options, feats, spells, spacefaring vessels, space hazards, void gods, and new worlds for players to explore. Most of the options presented are intended for use by players and GMs alike, but there are a few elements that GMs may
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wish to keep close to the chest and surprise their players with. Chapter 1—Character Races: Who are the heroes that brave the journey into space to find adventure? This chapter includes four new races for the Starjammer setting, as well as new options for existing core races. Each race is presented with a mix of racial feats, spells, and unique adventuring gear appropriate for each race. Abiarazi - The abiarazi are shape-changing oozes who possess latent psychic abilities and a voracious appetite. Manu- Manu are rough, black-skinned humanoids with brightly colored eyes and thick, blunt teeth. They are sculpted stone made flesh and crafters extraordinaire. Pasimachi - Pasimachi are beetle-like humanoids with a bulky build, and a tough exoskeleton. They are the greatest builders in the known universe. Transgenics - Myths and legends of aliens visiting new worlds and mating with the natives? % true and the source of the transgenic people who roam the galaxy in search of their genetic origins. Core Races- Humans, dwarves, elves, gnomes, halflings, half-orcs, and about a thousand other races; give or take. The galaxy is a crowded place, and these races and more are out there, waiting for adventure. Chapter 2—Class Options: This chapter presents options to use existing classes in new and exciting ways, from the heliacal healer to the shock trooper. These options can be incorporated into existing characters or used for new heroes that adventure both planetside and across the universe. It also details five new factions for your characters to join or encounter in your adventures across the stars. Chapter 3—Feats of the Void: This chapter contains new feats that can be taken by any character, including new feats that expand
character customization. Chapter 4—Magic in the Void: Magics developed for travel, survival, or combat out in the depths of space for every adventurer who takes to the stars. If you’re going to survive out in the darkness, you’re going to need powerful magics at your command. Chapter 5—Hazards: This chapter contains a comprehensive guide to different environments that can be encountered on the distant worlds across the universe. Also, included in this chapter are several worlds for characters to visit and explore. You will also find information on some of the major gods of the Starjammer setting. Chapter 6—Traveling in the Void: This chapter takes an in-depth look at five different classifications of spacecraft and gives both players and GMs the tools to customize their own vessels. Select your hull, engine, weapons, templates, and more to customize your own craft to perfectly suit the needs of your crew or campaign. There are also several sample vessels to help you get started playing on your own spacecraft. Finally, you will find out how speed works in the void and what type of engines you need to get to your destination. Before you begin building your vessel, you will need a crew and positions for those crew members. That is the first thing discussed in this chapter. Chapter 7—Beasts of the Void: With all the magic and technology at a character’s disposal to get them out among the stars, they need monsters that will challenge them and drive them to show their merits. This chapter includes a host of new monsters, including the reclusive void travelers, the adaptable tardigrades, and the mythic ribbon dragon.
I ntroduction
B ringing S tarjammer to Y our T able
S tarjammer , C ampaign
You have decided to take the plunge and throw your players and their characters out into the void. There are many ways you can go about doing it. Here we will talk about some of the many ways you can start your Starjammer adventures. There are some universal caveats to consider of course:
You have decided that you are going to start right out in a Starjammer campaign. Your players will be playing characters using the races in this book, or other fantastic races that you have created for them. They might have a vessel and they may have a crew. What else will you need to consider?
<< The starting solar system in your campaign. Since Starjammer is a universal system, there are no pre-made solar systems or settings for you to use. You must create the solar system that your players will be interacting with. Remember that while your planets exist in a vacuum, your game should not. Tailor planets as you need them and flesh out your campaign to challenge your players.
<< Do you have custom races that you wish to introduce?
<< What technology level are you going to want your campaign to be at? Starjammer assumes a certain level of technology versus magic. However, you can tweak it in whichever direction you want. Are you looking for High Science Fiction like Star Trek? Operatic Science Fiction like Star Wars? What about Nitty Gritty Science Fiction like Battlestar Galactica or Firefly? Or do you prefer just a sprinkle of science, as you would see in Thundarr the Barbarian? These are the kinds of decisions you must make about your campaign before you take it to the stars. << Standard Races or Alien Races? How are you going to start off your campaign? There are several examples below, and only one of them starts your campaign with races out of this book. That is not to say that they could not be used, but you must decide how they will be used. Or, will they be used at all?
<< Have you designed a solar system, or series of solar systems that will keep the players entertained? Is your system clear, or are there hazards to be encountered? << Are you using adversaries from this book (check out the Zurkhan in Chapter 9: Bestiary for an example) or are you making it up yourself? Are those adversaries monsters, pirates, space cults, military organizations, or battle-hardened traders?
S tarjammer , S trange N ew W orlds In this version of Starjammer, your standard campaign world has been visited, or perhaps attacked, by a race from the void. Your campaign world now must adapt to knowing that there are things beyond the stars that are dangerous. Governments, organizations, and/or player characters get their hands on a starcraft and can now leave their homeworld. Why would they want to do that and what is going to be involved? << How do the player characters get off-world? Are they given a spacecraft or do they take it? If they are given a spacecraft are they trained in its use or did they steal the vessel and literally must learn spaceflight from scratch? << Will players take to the stars in a pre-designed craft of the GM’s making, or will you allow them to design their own?
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<< Interactions with the race that brought their fantasy world spaceflight: are they benevolent, or were they invaders?
S tarjammer , A lone in a G alaxy F ar , F ar A way Your player characters were minding their own business, or perhaps getting too close to an extraterrestrial threat and were abducted. Taken to who knows where in the galaxy now they have been thrown straight out of their comfortable fantasy existence with magic and dragons and now must face the technological threats of a science fiction universe. << This is your typical survival campaign but with a major twist; The Void. Perhaps your player characters have been abandoned on an odd world and must find their way off. Maybe they are in an interplanetary prison and must escape. Regardless the alien environment will be disturbing, and hopefully completely different from anything they have ever seen before. << Do they even get a spacecraft and get to escape or are you relocating your campaign to the distant world you stranded them on? << Did they even get to a world? After their abduction, did they manage to escape while still traveling? If so, did they take over the vessel and are now learning how to pilot this technomagical beast? One of the most interesting aspects of playing Starjammer is the almost infinite possibilities that can be brought to the table, the fantasy world, or in this case, the fantasy galaxy.
R aces
R aces
Ù Ù R aces of S tarjammer Choosing to play a standard fantasy race such as a human, dwarf, or elf, versus playing one of the astonishing races described in this chapter is up to your Game Master and is based upon the type of campaign that they wish to run. Abiarazi, manu, and other “stellar” races are as diverse as fantasy races, with inspiration being taken from the original fantasy races to create their interstellar counterparts.
A biarazi Abiarazi are shape-changing oozes that can take the form of other humanoids. They have latent psychic abilities and voracious appetites. Abiarazi find the concept of ownership an oddity: a quirk shared by other races. However, they understand all too well the concept of consumption, and whether it’s an entire store of foodstuffs or planetary resources, the abiarazi are hungry for more. Originally hailing from a planetoid known as Vivistaldur, the abiarazi were forced into space when their planet was shattered. Half of the planet was broken into a multitude of vesselsized asteroids that, along with the remaining
R ace I nformation Race
Avg. Height
Avg. Weight
Age of Maturity
Maximum Age
12 yrs.
+2d20 years
+3d20 years
15 yrs.
60 + 2d20 years
18 yrs.
80+2d20 years
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hemisphere of the planet, continue to orbit within the star system. It is a harsh reminder to all sentient races to not allow these creatures to become overcome by their own insatiable appetites. While their homeworld is incapable of sustaining life, the abiarazi survive on half a dozen other worlds, forming a small empire (as celestial empires go) and attempting to rebuild the glory of their longlost home. Some abiarazi make sacred pilgrimages back to Vivistaldur to search for forgotten cultural relics or lost knowledge; these voyages into their own past are a time-honored tradition. Recovering what was lost by their forbears is considered one of the greatest honors in abiarazi culture. Those that engage in such expeditions are viewed as a mixture of heroes to their people and as beings anointed by some undefined “higher power” that has charged them with the task of restoring to the abiarazi that which had been forgotten. Those that bring back to memory bits of their ancient culture or retrieve ancient artifacts are revered and provided for by their communities. Physical Description: In their true forms, they are pulpy masses of vein-riddled violet slime, though they often take the form of pale-skinned humanoids with flat, nose-less faces, dark eyes, and scowling mouths. Society: Abiarazi appear to get along and work well with others of their species. While most abiarazi have no qualms about taking on humanoid forms for extended periods of time, there are some within abiarazi society that consider themselves “purists”, keeping their amorphous, gelatinous forms unless they need to take on another shape for a specific purpose. There are a few pitiful abiarazi that have gone mad, constantly shifting between a plethora of forms, unable to retain a shape for more than a few seconds at a time. This makes them difficult to interact with at the best of times, and dangerous at the worst. Abiarazi find the commingling of their gelatinous natural forms to be exceptionally intimate, and
taboo unless done with a mate in a private setting. It is also considered impolite to pass through an abiarazi in its ooze form, as it is regarded as an invasion of that abiarazi’s personal space. Relations: Abiarazi often have a difficult time interacting with other races because they are viewed as strange and exotic. Most sentient races do not want to willingly meet an ooze, so they usually assume a humanoid form to interact with other species. When abiarazi want to put someone at ease, they often appear as a member of whatever race that they’re interacting with.
R aces A biarazi R acial T raits
Ability Scores: +2 Constitution +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. Abiarazi are tough and cunning, but put other creatures off by their strange mannerisms.
Racial Hit Points: 6 HP Size and Type: Abiarazi are oozes with the shapechanger subtype and are Medium size. They eat and breathe, but do not sleep unless they want to gain some beneficial effect from this activity, such as gaining spells. Abiarazi are neither mindless, nor blind, and so they have no special immunity to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, or other attack forms that rely upon sight. Abiarazi are immune to sleep effects. Compulsive: Abiarazi find simple, repetitive behaviors fascinating, almost to the point of obsession. This may manifest itself in varied ways; overeating, gambling, repeatedly washing after minimal contact with other species, etc. Thus, abiarazi suffer a -2 penalty to Will saves to resist compulsions. Oozeform: As a standard action, abiarazi can become flexible enough to move through areas at least half their size with no penalty for squeezing. Abiarazi can move through a space at least one-quarter of their size using the standard penalties for squeezing. Abiarazi may use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to their total character level.
Plasmic Lash: Abiarazi have a long, sticky tentacle that can be used to attack. In humanoid form, this tentacle typically manifests itself as a tongue-like appendage. It is treated as a secondary melee attack and is sticky along its entire surface. A creature hit by this attack cannot move more than 10 feet away from the abiarazi and takes a -2 penalty to EAC and KAC if the lash is attached (this penalty does not stack if multiple lashes are attached). The lash can be removed by the target or an adjacent ally by making an opposed Strength check against the abiarazi as a standard action or by dealing 2 points of damage to the lash (EAC 11, KAC 11, damage does not reduce the abiarazi’s Hit Points). An abiarazi cannot move more than 10 feet away from a creature stuck to its lash, but it can release its lash from the target as a free action, and the abiarazi may pull any creature attached to its lash 5 feet toward it as a swift action if it succeeds in an opposed Strength check. An abiarazi can only have one creature attached to its lash at a time. Psychic Obscurity: Once per day as a standard action, an abiarazi can appear blurry and distorted, granting her concealment against all creatures for up to 1 minute per character level. Shapechanger: The abiarazi can use this ability as a standard action to assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the humanoid type. If the form it assumes has any of the following abilities, it gains the listed ability: darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, scent, and swim 30 feet. If used as part of a disguise, this ability grants a +10 circumstance bonus to the Disguise check. While in their natural forms, abiarazi are unable to wear armor or clothing. Voracious Appetite: Abiarazi are almost constantly hungry and require twice as much food as a normal humanoid. If an abiarazi does not eat at least once every four hours, it gains the fatigued condition. Languages: Abiarazi speak Aklo. An abiarazi with a high Intelligence score can choose from the following: Aurelian, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Manu, or Pasimachus.
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They have no unusual ties to any one race, though they do have strained relations with humans. For reasons that are lost to the pages of time, humans and abiarazi do not typically get along very well, and the shape-changing oozes are not openly welcome in human communities.
P laying
A biarazi :
Alignment and Religion: Abiarazi are largely secular, not worshipping any set of gods. Those abiarazi that indulge in religion often worship gods of space and of the void, particularly the goddess Alula. There are small communities of abiarazi that worship other gods, but they are far more the exception than the rule. Adventurers: The ruins of Vivistaldur are a nigh-irresistible draw to abiarazi, and many abiarazi choose to make the journey from the farthest reaches of the cosmos. There are others that choose a life of piracy or conquest, and such abiarazi are often reviled as the scourge of the stars. Male Names: Agu, Fahd, Majid, Nuh, Sa’ld, Ulan, Vega, Zayd Female Names: Baraka, Folami, Kanika, Kehinde, Radhiya, Samiyah, Yamileth, Zaynabu
A lternate R acial T raits The following racial traits may be selected instead of the shapechanger racial trait. Consult your GM before selecting these options. Cerebrist: The abiarazi gains the following spell-like abilities: 1/day−anticipate thoughts, ghost whip, and reflecting armor. The caster level for these effects is equal to the abiarazi’s level, with a save DC equal to (12 + the abiarazi’s Intelligence bonus). Ultrapsionic: The abiarazi gains the following spell-like abilities; 1/day−biofeedback, concussion blast, and sustenance. The caster level for these effects is equal to the abiarazi’s character level, with
a save DC equal to (12 + the abiarazi’s Intelligence bonus).
R acial A rchetypes M orphic W arrior Training from birth to control their ability to take on humanoid form, abiarazi use their ability to shapechange to their advantage in combat situations. The morphic warrior capitalizes on his ability, making himself a very difficult target to hit by rapidly manipulating his form.
2 nd -L eve l A ltern ative C la ss F eature Ooze Defense (Ex): Your ooze-like form allows you to move in ways that humanoid creatures could never dream of. You gain a +1 bonus to EAC
R aces and KAC. This bonus does not apply when you are flat-footed or off-kilter.
4 th -L ev el A lt e r nat i ve C las s
Shapechanger’s Dodge (Ex): You can use your shapechanger racial trait as a reaction when a target opponent declares a melee or ranged attack against you. The opponent suffers a 20% miss chance on that attack and on successive attacks against you until the start of your next turn. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 4 + your Charisma bonus.
8 th -L ev el A lt e r nat i ve C las s
G elatinous C onstitution , G reater (A biarazi ) Your racial recuperative powers are heightened. Prerequisites: 9th level, Con 17, Improved Gelatinous Constitution, abiarazi Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to saves versus paralysis, poison, polymorph effects, and stunning. These bonuses stack with the bonuses granted by Gelatinous Constitution.
Doppelganger Defense: Your bonus to EAC and KAC from ooze defense increases by an additional +1, and the miss chance granted from shapechanger’s dodge increases by +20% (for a total of 40%).
12 th -L ev el A lt e r nat i ve C la s s 14
paralysis, poison, polymorph effects, and stunning.
G elatinous C onstitution , I mproved (C ombat , A biarazi ) Evolving into a higher ooze form, your body’s defenses grow stronger.
Combat Mimic (Su): You can use your shapechanger racial trait to perfectly mimic the features of a humanoid opponent in combat, confusing and disorienting him. The opponent you are mimicking takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls against you, as well as a -2 penalty on all saving throws, as long as you are visible to him. At 16th level, your mimicry is so complete that it confuses the target’s allies as well, giving them the same penalties. These penalties last a number of rounds equal to your level in the class in which you took this archetype.
Prerequisites: Con 15, 7th level, Gelatinous Constitution, abiarazi
A biarazi F eats
Prerequisites: Con 17, 12th level, Greater Gelatinous Constitution, abiarazi
G elatinous C onstitution (A biarazi )
Benefit: While in your natural form, you become immune to the following effects: critical hits, flanking, paralysis, poison, polymorph, precision damage and stunning.
Your ooze heritage begins to manifest as your body becomes more resistant to certain effects.
Benefit: Once per day if you are struck by a critical hit, as a reaction you may negate the critical hit, making the attack a normal hit.
G elatinous C onstitution , U ltimate (C ombat , A biarazi ) You have reached the pinnacle of evolution for your species.
Prerequisites: 3rd level, Con 13, Toughness, abiarazi. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to saves versus
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A biarazi S pells F o r mloc k
School abjuration; Level mystic 4 Casting Time 1 standard action Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Targets one creature Duration 1 minute/level Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes This spell attempts to prevent a targeted creature from voluntarily changing forms for the duration of its effect. If the target creature fails their saving throw, transmutation effects are not possible. Formlock does not return the target creature to its true form. If the creature is the target of a transmutation spell while affected by formlock, the other caster must make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against a DC (11 + your caster level). Success means that the transmutation effect succeeds and formlock ends.
A biarazi C haracter T heme You’ve perfected the art of imitating other races, to the point where you could probably pass for a member of nearly any humanoid species.
F ormless E missary Theme Knowledge (1st): You gain a +1 trait bonus to Disguise checks to pass for any other humanoid race. Disguise also becomes a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 on Disguise checks. In addition,
you gain a +1 bonus to your Charisma score. Integration (6th): You’ve spent your entire life among other species, learning to adapt to any culture. When making a Culture check to recall knowledge of another species in order to appear as a member of that species, you may roll the check twice and take the better result. Intervention (12th): You’re adept at saving face in complex social situations, even if your allies are less than diplomatic. Once per day, if an ally within 30 feet would fail a Bluff or Diplomacy check, as a reaction you may roll the same check using your bonuses and substitute that result for your ally’s, as if she had rolled the higher result. Formless Master (18th): You’re so convincing that sometimes you convince yourself. Once per day, when you succeed at a Disguise check, regain 1 Resolve Point.
R aces Ù Ù MANU Hailing from a verdant world known as Qundin, the manu have made a meteoric rise to the stars, because their race was considered little more than primitive savages a few millennia ago. Now they boast one of the most technologically advanced civilizations in the known universe, pioneering some of the most innovative magitech available. Most manu live productive lives working to improve some aspect of manu culture or to provide some lasting work that will be remembered for many generations to come, but some were born to seek adventure across the stars.
Physical Description: Manu are rough, blackskinned humanoids with brightly colored eyes and thick, blunt teeth. Their sharp, sculpted features give them a stoic, slightly menacing presence. Their limbs are slightly longer than a human’s and end at four-fingered hands which are equally oversized. However, their finely-tapering fingers result in an unexpectedly graceful grasp on tools. Their calves and feet are wider than most humanoids and they walk with a slight hunch. They prefer to wear loose, brightly colored clothing and wide sashes either tied around their waists or draped decoratively over their clothing. Society: Unlike many species, manu castes are not hierarchical. They are indicative of a chosen cultural path; craftsman, guardian, herald, laborer, and magistrate. Manu craftsmen are typically suited not only to intellectual pursuits, but are also dedicated to bringing to fruition the labors of those pursuits, be they cultural advances, new magics, or advanced technologies. Guardians are both warriors and caretakers of the people, working to serve and protect those that cannot care for themselves. Manu heralds are their leaders, mouthpieces for the people. Among their ranks can be found merchants, diplomats, explorers, and theologians. Laborers lead a simple life, under the guidance of others and being the many hands that make work light. They are farmers, smiths, and builders, and they make up the largest of the manu castes. The magistrates differ from the heralds in that they do not lead, but rather, employ their skills to interpret meaning, either as judges, translators, historians, or philosophers. There are also the casteless, or “losa” as the manu call them; people who have rejected the system of castes that dominates manu society. They are not criminals; they are the manu that forge their own path, and they often display traits of many of the other castes. These manu are most often the ones that seek out adventure among the stars. Relations: Manu maintain positive relationships
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with most other races, who wish to trade for manu goods or services. However, they are in fierce competition with goblins when it comes to manufacturing spacefaring technologies, who have stolen or copied many wonders that were first created by manu.
P laying
M anu :
Manu live and work within a caste system that is not immediately obvious to outsiders, as it is not identified by any clothing or appearance on their homeworld. Because of these subtleties, those that are not manu can often have trouble integrating into societies where manu form the majority, leading to a rise in racial tensions. To combat this trend, manu that live with other races often adapt identifying clothing or mannerism to help others to understand which caste a particular individual belongs to. Mistaking a guardian for a laborer could potentially cause a minor incident in a mixed society. Alignment and Religion: While manu are often of good alignment, this is not necessarily a universal trait. As creative, constructive beings, manu prefer to create rather than to destroy, though their creations tend to be just as chaotic in application as they are to be orderly. Manu favor deities that promote travel, knowledge, magic, the stars, and trade, or humbler concepts such as community or cooperation. Some also follow faiths that promote artifice, imagination, memories, or runic writings, finding comfort and solace in creation or remembrance. Adventurers: Manu infrequently become adventurers, preferring to stay within their societal structures and work to the benefit of their people. However, those that do often hear the calling of the stars and feel the tugging of inspiration and exploration. Male Names: Aakil, Farrar, Gyan, Izar, Quain, Stian, Tarak, Ved
Female Names: Astraia, Bao, Fenna, Ganya, Hoku, Sidra, Waneta, Zella
A lternate R acial T raits The following racial traits may be selected instead of the standard racial traits for manu. Consult your GM before selecting these options. Goblinfoe: Competition between manu and goblins can be so fierce that some manu develop a deep-seated animosity toward goblins that can drive them to be reckless. Manu with this trait gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against goblins and a +2 bonus to all saving throws against fear effects.
R aces M anu R acial T raits
Ability Scores: +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom: Manu are . clever, wise, and resourceful.
Racial Hit Points: 4 HP Type and Size: Manu are humanoids with the manu subtype, and are Medium creatures. Craft Magitech: Manu gain a +1 racial bonus to Mysticism checks and Engineering checks to craft tech items, and they always treat these skills as class skills. They also gain a +1 bonus to all Craft checks to create magical items. Darkvision: Manu can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Magesense: Manu can use detect magic as a constant spell-like ability. The caster level of this spell-like ability is equal to the manu’s character level. Master Tinker: Manu gain a +1 bonus to Computers checks to disable a computer system and Engineering checks to disable devices. They are also proficient with any weapon they have personally crafted.
Snap Innovation: Once per day, a manu can treat their character level as if it were 4 higher for the purposes of using any level-based class feature (such as a mechanic’s energy shield trick or an operative’s field treatment exploit). This trait does not give manu early access to level-based powers; it only affects powers they could already use without this trait. Regardless of the ability that is boosted, the effect will only last for one round. Languages: Manu speak Manu. A manu with a high Intelligence score can choose from the following: Aklo, Aurelian, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, or Pasimachus. This trait replaces master tinker.
R acial A rchetypes M ystic T echnician The mystic technician is one of the master craftspeople of the manu race, capable of creating magitech items with great speed and ease. They use these items to help them pursue greater marvels of innovation to improve their lives, and the lives of their friends and fellow citizens.
2nd-Level Alternative Class Feature Assayer (Ex): At 2nd level, a technician adds ½ his level to Engineering checks to disable devices
and Mysticism checks to disarm magical traps. In addition, he gains a +4 insight bonus on Mysticism checks made to identify the properties and command words of magic items in his possession. This bonus increases to +8 at 6th level, and by +4 every four levels thereafter to a maximum of +20 at 18th level.
4th-Level Alternative Class Feature Magitech Resistance (Su): At 4th level, a technician gains a +2 bonus to all saving throws to resist magical effects caused by magical items. This bonus increases to +4 at 6th level, and to +6 at 8th level.
6 th -L eve l A ltern ative C la ss F eature Swift Craftsman (Ex): At 6th level, a technician can create magical items with astounding speed. It
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takes a technician half the normal amount of time to create magical items.
12 th -L evel A lt e r nat i ve C la s s F eat ure Spell Resistance (Su): At 12th level, the technician gains spell resistance equal to (10 + ½ the technician’s character level).
M anu F eats M artial A cuity (C ombat , M anu ) Your ability to quickly assess complex patterns applies even to dangerous situations. Prerequisites: Int 15, manu Benefit: Whenever you would gain a bonus to attack rolls or to AC due to battlefield position, such as flanking, higher ground, or cover, you gain an additional +2 insight bonus.
R elic D ealer (M anu ) Knowing the value of your goods and what goes into making them has made you a master at dealing with merchants. Prerequisites: Cha 15, Culture 2 ranks, Diplomacy 2 ranks, manu Benefit: Whenever you are attempting to improve the attitude of a creature in order to bargain for a magical item (either buying or selling), you may roll Diplomacy twice and take the better result.
S tronglung (M anu ) Working in environments that could be airless at any moment has taught you to control your breathing. Prerequisites: Con 13, Endurance, manu Benefit: Whenever you are deprived of air, you may hold your breath for an additional number of rounds equal to four times your Constitution
modifier (minimum 4). You also gain an additional +4 bonus to Fortitude saves to resist any spell or effect that causes you to be deprived of air.
M anu M agic I tems Item
Grav Jacket
2, credits
G rav J ac ket Developed especially for work in zero-gravity environments, this bulky black jacket helps keep the wearer stable when gravity is lost. If a spacecraft loses gravity, anyone wearing a grav jacket remains able to walk upon the nearest solid surface within 5 feet as if gravity was normal, including walls or ceilings. In addition, when in zero gravity, the wearer of a grav jacket gains a +10 competence bonus made to attempt high jumps or long jumps. A grav jacket does not grant any special protection against spells such as reverse gravity.
M anu S pells S uppress M ag ic
School abjuration; Level mystic 3, technomancer 3 Casting Time 1 standard action Range touch Effect one magic item Duration 1 round/level Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance no This spell temporarily suppresses the mana flow in a magical object. The magical item must make a Will save or be turned into a normal item for the duration of the spell. An item in a creature’s possession uses its own Will save bonus or its owner’s Will save
R aces bonus, whichever is higher. If an item’s saving throw results in a natural 1 on the die, the item’s magic is suppressed for twice the normal duration of the spell.
M anu R acial T heme : S hipbuilder Theme Knowledge (1st): You’ve spent years helping to create and repair engineered items. When you successfully use the aid another action to aid an ally’s Engineering check, that character gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the check (in addition to the +2 bonus normally granted for successfully aiding another). Engineering also becomes a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 on Engineering checks. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to your Intelligence score. 20
Builder Prodigy (6th): After years of working on spacefaring vessels, learning the ins and outs of their design and construction, you have become a master builder. You gain a +4 bonus to Engineering checks to craft or repair parts of spacefaring vessels, and you never damage such items you attempt to repair, no matter how much you fail the check by. Jury-Rig (12th): You’ve become adept at using cheaper materials without reducing the stability or reliability of the vessels you create. You may add your character level to the build points of a vessel you build without increasing its cost. If you are part of an adventuring crew, this build point increase applies to your crew’s starship as long as you travel with the crew. Master Shipbuilder (18th): Fixing things is cathartic for you, and can even recharge you. Once per day, when you successfully repair a technological item with the Engineering skill, you regain 1 Resolve Point.
Ù Ù P asimachi After devastation rained down upon their homeworld in the form of a massive meteor shower that destroyed an entire hemisphere, the surviving pasimachi took to the stars to ensure the survival of their race. Having colonized three new homeworlds since, the pasimachi have forged a greater bond as a people and are one of the most unified races in the known galaxy. They have waged no wars against one another and have developed a hive-like culture in which all pasimachi are considered kin and any conflict with those that are not pasimachi are faced collectively before resolving conflict between each other. As a relatively new race to spacefaring, pasimachi have an innate sense of curiosity and awe regarding the universe’s wonders, and they have no long-standing traditions regarding most other species, or the dangers of the void. This can lead to some naivety when dealing with more “space wise” races, and new encounters are often met with either an overwhelming sense of optimism, or among the more jaded members of pasimachi society, with an overly cautious or aggressive demeanor. Pasimachi have a strong attachment to their past; those that maintain a positive perspective view their race’s history as a testament to their strength and ability to survive any adversity, while those that have a negative outlook tend to focus on the tragedy of their home planet’s destruction. Either way, they tend to hold grudges, fervently seek to repay debts, and form attachments to people, places, and things quite easily. Pasimachi are builders; not in the same way that dwarves are craftspeople, but pasimachi tend to want to create things that will last. Their most populous planet, Colmea, has grand, mountainlike hive-cities that were constructed to mimic the largest mountain ranges from their original homeworld, Coi-Linea. They also build grand tombs
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to honor their greatest leaders and heroes, temples for their gods, and massive public works projects that benefit millions of people. When part of mixed societies, they push for similar projects, just so that they can be a part of their construction. Physical Description: The average pasimachus is a beetle-like monstrous humanoid that stands around six feet tall, has a bulky build, and has either a black, green, or reddish-brown exoskeleton. They have three segmented digits on each hand and foot, and toughened shell-like wings (known as elytra) cover their backs, hiding and protecting vestigial hind wings. They have multifaceted, black eyes, and a pair of sinuous antennae that reposition themselves according to the pasimachus’ mood, which is useful for those that interact with pasimachi, since they don’t have any other recognizable facial expressions that communicate mood or tone. Relations: Pasimachi and dwarves have somewhat of a rivalry, as dwarven craftsmen look down upon the comparatively crude workings of the pasimachi, and the pasimachi feel that dwarven craftsmanship is ostentatious. Watching pasimachi and dwarves argue amuses many other races quite a bit, and so most other humanoids welcome pasimachi openly, despite their insectoid appearance, which can be startling to those who do not expect to encounter them. Society: Prior to the destruction of their homeworld nearly years ago, pasimachi were a fractious species, with constant infighting between clans. Since leaving their uninhabitable home planet, the pasimachi have set aside their rivalries and worked to strengthen the bonds between their peoples. Now, the clans work together to ensure the survival of their race, like worker bees doing their part to ensure the success of their colony, and are stronger than ever. If there are any dissidents among them, they keep such activities carefully hidden. Within their own clans, pasimachi are prone to
demonstrations of strength and battle prowess. They also carve runes into their exoskeletons, in similar fashion to other races tattooing their skin, to proclaim their allegiance to their clan, or intimidate their rivals. Alignment and Religion: Generally eventempered, pasimachi can be prone to explosive behavior when pushed to extremes. Most pasimachi are neutral-good, working together for the betterment of their society, but not concerning themselves overmuch with following rules or established procedures to get the job done. They prefer to worship deities of community, protection, and travel, as those are the gods whose values most closely mirror their own.
R aces P asimachus R acial T raits .
Ability Scores: +4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence: Pasimachi are exceptionally strong, but not particularly agile
or clever. Racial Hit Points: 4 HP Type and Size: Pasimachi are humanoids with the pasimachus subtype, and are Medium creatures. Slow and Steady: Pasimachi have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance. Darkvision: Pasimachi can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Insectoid: Pasimachi are monstrous humanoids with the insectoid subtype. Climb: Pasimachi have a climb speed of 20 feet, and gain a +8 racial bonus to Athletics checks to climb thanks to that climb speed. Expert Climber: Pasimachi can cling to cave walls and even ceilings if the surface has hand and footholds. In effect, Pasimachi are treated as being constantly under the effects of a non-magical spider climb spell, save that Pasimachi cannot cling to smooth surfaces. This trait doubles the normal +8 racial bonus to Athletics checks to climb normally granted to creatures with a climb speed (to a total +16 bonus). Hardened Carapace: Pasimachi gain a +2 bonus to their EAC and KAC. Shell Slam: Pasimachi gain a slam attack as a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of damage. 22
Stability: Pasimachi receive a +4 racial bonus to their KAC when resisting bull rush or trip attempts while standing on the ground. Languages: Pasimachi start with Common and Pasimachus. Pasimachi with high Intelligence scores can choose from Abiarazi, Aklo, Aurellian, Dwarf, Gnome, Manu, or Orc. Adventurers: Many pasimachi who choose to lead lives of adventure often seek out new worlds that could potentially be settled by their people. They are not a race that is particularly prone to conquest, so finding worlds unclaimed by other races is preferable to territorial disputes. However, they are fierce protectors of their homes, families, friends, and possessions; almost to a fault. Male Names: Akrek, Charoc, Hiklekk, Kriq, Negatok, Prek, Salkik, Zedakek Female Names: Arrareen, Chiriek, Ekeena, Iqreena, Keesla, Meessakek, Qorah, Teece
A lternate R acial T raits The following racial traits may be selected instead of the standard racial traits for pasimachi. Consult your GM before selecting these options. Acidic Spittle: Capable of breathing out sprays of acid, pasimachi with this trait may breathe a blast of acid once per day as a standard action that deals 2d6 damage in a 30’ cone. All creatures within the affected area must make a Reflex saving throw, DC 10 + ½ the user’s character level + the user’s Constitution modifier. Those who succeed at the save only take half damage from the attack. This trait replaces expert climber.
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Chitin Horn: Sprouting a large, sharp growth of exoskeleton from the head, a pasimachus with this trait gains one natural gore attack as a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 piercing damage. This trait replaces shell slam. Exhale Fire: Capable of breathing out gouts of flame, pasimachi with this trait may breathe a blast of fire once per day as a standard action that deals 1d6 damage in a 15’ cone. All creatures within the affected area must make a Reflex saving throw to avoid taking damage. The save DC against this breath weapon is 10 + ½ the user’s character level + the user’s Constitution modifier. Those who succeed at the save take no damage from the attack. This trait replaces shell slam. Hardened Claws: Certain warrior pasimachi have developed harder, sharper claws than their brethren. They receive two claw attacks. These are primary natural attacks that deal 1d4 damage. This trait replaces hardened carapace and shell slam. Flight: Some pasimachi have stronger, larger hind wings than their peers. These pasimachi have a fly speed of 30 feet with clumsy maneuverability. This trait replaces hardened carapace and stability. Lasher: Having longer and more finelycontrolled antennae than most pasimachi, those that possess this trait are capable of making attacks with them. Pasimachi have long antennae that they can use to make attacks of opportunity with a reach of 5 feet. Their antennae are capable of making a single secondary natural attack, allowing you to attack with them at a -5 penalty along with your other attacks. This attack deals 1d8 points of damage plus the user’s Strength modifier. This trait replaces hardened carapace. Light Affinity: Certain pasimachi are immune to light-based blindness and dazzle effects, and are treated as one level higher when determining the effects of any light-based spells or effects they cast (including spell-like and supernatural abilities). In addition, once per day a pasimachus can emit light
similar to that of a torch for a number of minutes equal to its character level. This trait replaces hardened carapace and stability. Swarming: Pasimachi are used to living and fighting communally with other members of their race. Up to two pasimachi with this trait can share the same square at the same time. If two such pasimachi that are occupying the same square attack the same foe, they are considered to be flanking that foe as if they were in two opposite squares. This trait replaces shell slam and stability. Tunnel Master: Accustomed to digging and tunneling, pasimachi with this trait gain a burrow speed of 30 feet. They also gain a +1 bonus to Physical Science checks involving geology and to Survival checks made while underground. This trait replaces climb, expert climber, and hardened carapace.
R acial S ubtypes While most pasimachi follow the general model
P laying
P asimachus :
R aces of the pasimachi, there are many subspecies of pasimachus that differ from the standard. Those subspecies manifest different characteristics from their peers in both appearance and ability. Presented here are 9 variant pasimachus heritages for PCs to choose from. From the bioluminescent fireflies to pasimachi with long antennae that they wield like whips, some pasimachi were bred for traits that may prove useful to an adventurer. If you choose one of these subspecies, you should work with your GM to ensure that your character’s appearance matches with the type chosen. The racial traits that are listed in each entry replace standard pasimachus traits just as they do above. Blisterbeetle Pasimachi: Inhabitants of the tangleworld Sharrikin, blisterbeetle pasimachi have developed powerful acid glands in their mouths that they can use to spray acid at their foes. Blisterbeetle pasimachi have the acidic spittle trait. 24
Cavern Pasimachi: Some clans of pasimachi live their lives deep beneath the earth, mining for precious metals and gems, or creating vast underground cities. These pasimachi have the tunnel master trait. Firefly Pasimachi: These pasimachi have adapted to dark or underground environs, having bioluminescent skin that can glow atwill underneath their carapace, emitting a pale green light strong enough to see by. They are also capable of exhaling blasts of fire. Firefly pasimachi have the exhale fire and light affinity traits. Rhino Pasimachi: Having evolved a large horn atop their heads, rhino pasimachi charge into the fray, unafraid of taking the lead in combat. Rhino pasimachi have the chitin horn trait. Scarabswarm Pasimachi: Scarabswarm pasimachi are a close-knit war clan that constantly train to act in concert with one another to defeat their foes. Scarabswarm pasimachi have the swarming racial trait.
Sharpclaw Pasimachi: This clan of pasimachi live in remote wilderness areas where they must struggle to survive with few resources. They have come to rely upon their own natural gifts to survive out in the wild lands. These pasimachi have the hardened claws trait. Whiplash Pasimachi: Having longer and more sensitive antennae than other pasimachus clans, these warriors have developed their control over their own antennae to the point that they can use them in combat. These pasimachi have the lasher racial trait. Windrunner Pasimachi: Having adapted to the tangleworld, Sharrikin, and its megaflora jungles, these pasimachi have the flight racial trait.
R acial A rchetypes B ombardier B eetlecycle R ider Mounted atop a sleek but deadly enercycle styled after a huge beetle, the bombardier beetlecycle rider charges into the fray with ferocity. She shatters formations and her bombardier beetlecycle shreds the armor of her foes as they charge past the twisted remains of their enemies, surging forward onto victory.
2 nd -L eve l A ltern ative C la ss F eature Battle Beetlecycle (Ex): At 2nd level, a bombardier beetlecycle rider builds herself a sleek, beetle-shaped enercycle from whatever parts she has scrounged up during her adventuring. This cycle functions as a Basic Enercycle which the rider can modify and repair using her Engineering skill, even untrained if necessary. This cycle is so haphazardly built that only the creator can ride it reliably. Any other creature trying to pilot the beetlecycle takes a -5 penalty to all Piloting checks
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and attack rolls while riding, and even vehicle actions which would not require a check require a Piloting check with DC = 10 + the bombardier beetlecycle rider’s level by anyone other than herself trying to pilot it.
4 th -L evel A lt e r nat i ve C las s F e at u re Armor Crusher (Ex): You’ve become adept at ripping through armor using both your weapons and your cycle itself. At 4th level, the bombardier beetle rider receives a +2 bonus to checks made to sunder an item while mounted. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Combat Maneuver and similar feats. In addition, the rider has installed a special battering ram on the front of her cycle which can be used to attempt a sunder combat maneuver instead of a standard ram action. If the attempt is successful, the beetlecycle takes only ¼ the normal damage from the collision. If the target has no armor, the beetlecycle deals damage to the target itself as normal.
8 th -L evel A lt e r nat i ve C las s F e at u re Hovering Beetle (Ex): At 8th level, the bombardier beetlecycle rider is able to make a significant upgrade to her beetlecycle. The beetlecycle’s base statistics become that of a Hover Pod. Any upgrades the rider has done to her cycle are carried over to its new version.
12 th -L evel A lt e r nat i ve C la s s F eat ure Vengeful Rider (Ex): At 12th level, a bombardier beetlecycle rider’s cycle becomes almost like an extension of her own body. Double the threat range of any weapons wielded during a charge while riding the beetlecycle. This increase does not stack with other effects that increase the threat range of the weapon. In addition, whenever an opponent makes an attack of opportunity against you or your cycle, you may make a sunder attempt against that opponent as an immediate action. This sunder attempt is made before the target’s attack resolves, and if your attack is successful, the damage is increased by half (+50%).
P asimachus F eats O ne L ucky B ug (P asimachus ) You are considered a good luck charm among your allies. Prerequisite: Charisma 13, pasimachus Benefit: Twice per day, after one ally within 60 feet rolls a natural 1 on a saving throw, or a critical hit is confirmed against them, you may allow them to either reroll that saving throw, or force the creature that confirmed the critical hit against them to reroll the attack roll. This does not stack with other effects that allow them to reroll a saving throw or an attack roll. After allowing your ally to make a reroll, if your ally succeeds at their saving throw on their reroll, or if the attack fails upon rerolling, you gain a +1 luck bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks for one round.
P owerful W ings (P asimachus ) Your wings are much stronger than those of your peers, and your ability to fly is unrivaled among your kind. Prerequisite: Character level 5th, flight racial trait, pasimachus Benefit: Your fly speed is increased by 5 feet, and your maneuverability is upgraded by one step (from clumsy to poor). Special: You can gain this feat up to four times. Each time you take this feat, your fly speed increases by an additional 5 feet, and your maneuverability is upgraded by one additional step.
R aces
P heromone M essaging (P asimachus )
S elective P heromone M essaging (P asimachus )
Your body is capable of secreting special pheromones that you can use to communicate with other members of your race.
You can control your pheromones to the point where you can exclude some pasimachi from your pheromone communication.
Prerequisite: You may only select this feat at 1st level, pasimachus
Prerequisite: Pheromone Messaging, character level 4th, pasimachus
Benefit: By secreting specialized pheromones, you can send a short message of 25 words or less to every other pasimachus within 30 feet. Any pasimachus receiving the message recognizes you if it knows you. A pasimachus may respond to your message if they also have the Pheromone Messaging feat. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1).
Benefit: When you use Pheromone Messaging, you can choose a number of targets in the area up to your Charisma modifier. These targets are not affected by your pheromone messaging.
Creatures with the sense through (scent) ability can detect a pasimachus using their pheromones as if the scent was strong for 2d8 rounds after the message is sent out.
S onic D issonance (P asimachus ) You can create various tones by rubbing your mandibles together, which can be used to prevent others from concentrating. Prerequisite: Pasimachus Benefit: As a full action, you may rub your mandibles together rapidly, creating a high-pitched sound that makes concentration difficult. Casting spells within 20 ft. of the pasimachus using Sonic Dissonance requires a Will save (DC 15 + the level of the spell being cast) otherwise the spell fails. In addition, the DC of Perception checks involving hearing within 20 ft. is increased by 5. These effects end at the beginning of your turn unless you use another full action to continue the effects.
S tinkbug (P asimachus ) You possess stink glands on your abdomen, which you may use to nauseate your foes. Prerequisite: Character level 5th, pasimachus Benefit: You may, as a standard action once per day, expel noxious vapors from your abdomen as per the spell stinking cloud (caster level equals the pasimachus’ level). You are immune to your own stink gland secretions.
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P asimachi E quipment Pasimachi have access to the following equipment.
B at tl e B ee t l e Specially trained mounts of pasimachi battle riders, battle beetles serve both as riding animals and as protective companions. Stables that are capable of accommodating the massive insects are rarely found outside of pasimachi worlds or major metropoles, but make for excellent mounts once they become mature enough to fly. These creatures require exotic saddles to ride. See page for statistics for the battle beetle.
and once in place, the scarab latches onto the bearer’s heart and awaits direction. Up to three times per day on command, the beetle activates powerful healing magic, exactly as if a mystic cure spell of 3rd level had been cast upon the bearer.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells greater celestial healing; Special creator must be at least 10th level; Cost 17, credits
P asimachi S pells D ea dly C hitin D ef ense
School transmutation; Level mystic 1 Casting Time 1 standard action Range touch
P as i m ach i L u m o s Stored in sealed spherical glass vials, pasimachi lumos is, essentially, liquid light. Harvested from the bioluminescent glands of firefly pasimachi, these vials emit a torchlike light in a ft, radius, which increases the light level by one step.
P asimachus M agic I tems H e artb e at B e e tl e
Aura moderate conjuration (healing) [good]; CL 7th; Slot none; Price 33, credits; Item Level 12; Weight .1 lb. This golden clockwork scarab beetle seems to be an interesting enough curiosity. However, if it is held for more than 1 round, or carried in a living creature’s possession for more than 1 minute, it animates into a clicking and whirring mechanical insect. The beetle tears through any leather or cloth, burrows into flesh, and reaches the bearer’s heart in 1 round. This causes no damage,
Target 1 creature that has a natural armor bonus Duration 10 minutes/level Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless) The target creature sprouts dozens of thornlike projections, like a patch of thorny brambles, made up of bone or chitin. These do not harm the armor’s wearer (though donning or removing armor under the effects of this spell takes twice as long), but they act as armor spikes. Any creature attacking the target creature with natural weapons takes 1 point of piercing damage for each attack that hits. At 5th level, the spikes gain a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls; this bonus increases to +2 at 10th level. At 15th level, the spikes also gain the holy weapon quality.
H ive M ind
School enchantment [mind-affecting]; Level mystic 5, technomancer 5 Casting Time 1 standard action
R aces Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets one willing creature/four levels, no two of which may be more than 30 ft. apart
Gain electricity resistance 5 and acid resistance 5.
Gain acid resistance 5 and cold resistance 5.
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Gain cold resistance 5 and sonic resistance 5.
You link your mind together with that of one or more willing creatures within range, creating a hive mind that allows you to process thought faster and more efficiently. All creatures sharing the hive mind are immune to flanking. Additionally, for every creature sharing the hive mind, all creatures sharing the hive mind gain a +1 bonus to initiative, a +1 bonus to Will saves, and a +1 bonus on Intelligence-based skill and ability checks.
Gain sonic resistance 5 and fast healing 5.
Gain fast healing 5 and DR/5 magic.
Duration 10 minutes/level
P r i s m at i c S h e ll 28
School abjuration; Level technomancer 4 Casting Time 1 standard action Range personal Effect you Duration 7 rounds A glittering vortex of energy swirls around you for one brief, shining moment, and then it settles down upon your body, infusing your skin with a protective shell of magic. Each round, the protection granted by this spell changes to a new effect as the magic shell changes color, beginning with red in the first round of the effect. The caster also gains a +4 armor bonus to EAC and KAC for the duration of the spell.
Effects of Color
Gain DR 5/magic and fire resistance 5.
Gain fire resistance 5 and electricity resistance 5.
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Transgenics are truly children of the stars. They are the offspring of a human and an alien race, with either an alien father and human mother or an alien mother and human father. Sometimes this resulting offspring may have been the result of a magical rather than a natural union, even though they are still able to mate with other transgenics and other races. Transgenics often call themselves a “brood.” Some choose to live with human family, but often, their alien ancestry is unknown, which often motivates them to learn more about their alien side. Thus, transgenics tend to be explorers searching to find out more about themselves and their lineage. What they do at the end of this search depends on the transgenic, but if the cause of their existence was an unwilling union, they might choose to take revenge on that parent. At the core of what makes a transgenic, is they just want to explore the different aspects that make them themselves. Physical Description: They appear to be mostly human, but no matter how usual the body of their alien ancestor, transgenics will have humanoid body shape including one head with two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two arms, two legs, ten fingers, and ten toes. However, their skin color tends to favor their alien ancestry with hues ranging from blue, green or even red. Their eyes closely resemble human eyes, but the shape of the iris tend to more elliptical rather than circular and the colors of their eyes can be literally any color including blue, green, red, brown, gray, black, orange, etc. A transgenic’s hair can range anywhere from bald to full, straight to curly or even naturally spiky, and will often have unusual coloring such as bright crimson red or lime green. They are normally around five and a half feet tall and weigh about pounds. Society: As a half-race, transgenics do not have a homeworld of their own. They must live within other societies and adapt to them, which like other half-races, forces transgenics to remain versatile.
Because they are usually more familiar with other races of the void, many transgenics are able to act as diplomats between planet-bound races and space traveling races. However, there are some very rare colonies that consist entirely of transgenics, usually made of outcasts or transgenics tired of dealing with other races. Relations: Transgenics see themselves as a “half race”, so they find themselves most at ease with other half races including half-elves, half-orcs, aasimar, and tieflings. These “half races” do share a kinship with transgenics as well. Transgenics are courteous to “full races”, but are cautious when making commitments, such as adventuring with them. Of all the other races, they get along best with humans and halflings. Their relations with dwarves, elves, and gnomes is tenuous at best. Alignment and Religion: Transgenics may be any alignment, however most tend to be some sort of neutral. If their ancestry is known, some transgenics might attempt to emulate their alien ancestor’s behavior and thus have the same alignment. Transgenics tend to worship the gods of the void, feeling more comfortable with those that respect space and the void. Some transgenics are known to worship the insane elder gods. Adventurers: Searching for answers to their alien heritage draws many transgenics out adventuring. Some search to find their ancestors or others of their ancestral race, while other could care less and adventure for gold or for adventure itself. They enjoy traveling to new worlds to experience all that the universe has to offer, but they typically do not stay long, yearning for the next adventure, traversing the starways and can often be found working in dockyards as engineers aboard a vessel, or as pioneers in search of a habitable world upon which to found a colony. Many transgenics do establish a home, stronghold, or even space station if they find a place that makes them happy. Male Names: Aarush, Ba’nor, Jatin, Kar’thall,
R aces Ta’run, Saresh
modifier to different racial skills.
Female Names: Akshara, D’lynn, Ja’ha, Nesha, Raswilay, Sa’ranni
Alternate Ability Modifiers: The listed ability score modifiers replace the standard transgenic ability score modifiers.
A lternate R acial T raits The following racial traits may be selected instead of the standard racial traits for transgenics. Consult your GM before selecting these options. Alien Resistance: A transgenic with this trait may select one type of energy: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic, and gain resistance 5 to their chosen energy type. Once this choice is made, it can never be changed. This trait replaces void survival.
Diplomat: Transgenics are skilled in negotiations and dealing with other races whether they be planet-bound or starfaring. Such transgenics gain a +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks. Their long days at well lit negotiation tables have cost them some of their ancestral dark vision though. This trait replaces darkvision. Humanlike: Some transgenics have extremely distant alien ancestry. A transgenic with this racial trait counts as a humanoid (transgenic) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humans. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces racial skills and alters the transgenic’s subtype.
A nunnaki -B rood (L antern - progeny ) Lantern-progeny feel the pull of their ancestors urge to create things and tinker others’ lives.
A ncestry A nunnaki Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity Racial Skills: Anunnaki-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Heal and Knowledge (any one) checks. Alternate Transgenic Flyer Feat (Ex): Mechanical-looking wings sprout from their shoulder blades. Like their anunnaki forebears, anunnaki-brood have stony gray skin, high foreheads and dark, sunken eyes. Those who gain the gift of flight grow mechanical-looking wings like their forebears. The anunnaki-brood often feel an urgent need to create; be it offspring, some work of art, construct a building, or even something as simple as farming. So long as they can see tangible progress, they find contentment in their work. Regardless of where they can be found, most come from worlds where anunnaki have visited and steered the course of evolution.
S ubraces A transgenic’s subrace can modify the abilities that they possess, based upon the nature of their alien ancestry. Alternate Racial Skills: While most transgenics gain a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Survival checks, those of the subraces listed below gain a
A atheriexa -B rood (H undred - eye - progeny ) Hundred-eye-progeny are smart and light on their feet.
A ncestry A atheriexa Replacement Racial Traits
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Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom Racial Skills: Aatheriexa-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Perception checks Aatheriexa-brood share the pink colored skin of their alien ancestor. Because their humanoid form is so different than that of their ancestors, some hundred-eye-progeny feel they are trapped in their bodies.
E lder T hing -B rood (B arrel - progeny ) Barrel-progeny are descended from Old Ones and have the stamina to survive longer than others in extreme situations.
C thulhu -B rood (O ctopus - progeny ) These haughty descendants of the Old Ones are known to live amongst other species, flaunting their power and dominance over others.
A ncestry S tar S pawn of C thulhu Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity Racial Skills: Cthulhu-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Intimidate and Swim checks. Alternate Transgenic Flyer Feat (Ex): Draconic wings sprout from their back. Cthulhu-broods have green skin and their hair grows into deadlocks, whether it is on their head or if they grow a beard. Some are known to develop draconic-like wings. Octopus-progeny often share their ancestors view that they are better than other lifeforms. Some Cthulhu-brood have eerie callings to worship Cthulhu.
R aces T ransgenic R acial T raits
Ability Scores : +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution:Transgenics have superior strength and intelligence, but the combination of their bloodlines has made them sickly.
Racial Hit Points 4HP Type and Size: Transgenics are humanoids with the transgenic subtype and are Medium creatures. Darkvision: Transgenics can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Racial Skills: Transgenics gain a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Survival. Void Survival: Transgenics can survive in the void of space longer than normal humanoids. Their body adapts to allow them to survive by slowing down their breathing for 10 minutes per point of Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 minute) beyond the normal rules for survival in the void. Individual Telepathy: Transgenics may mentally communicate with a single creature within 50 ft., but otherwise this ability is identical to the telepathy ability. They may use this ability for a total of one round per day per character level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Languages: Transgenics speak Common and Aklo. Transgenics with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aurelian, Common, Dwarven, Elder Thing, Elven, Manu, or Pasimachus. 32
A ncestry E lder T hing Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength Racial Skills: Elder thing-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Perception and Swim checks. Elder Thing Fluent: Elder thing-broods begin play speaking Elder Thing instead of Aklo, however they may learn Aklo as one of their languages gained from high Intelligence. Trance (Ex): As a full-round action, elder thingbroods can put themselves in a trance that allows them to slow their body and bodily functions to a state that enables them to not require food, nor air, for a preset time period up to 2 hours per character level. This replaces individual telepathy. Alternate Transgenic Flyer Feat (Ex): A set of pink wings grow from their back.
Elder thing-broods have pink-gray skin like their ancestor. They share their ancestor’s interest in life, art, architecture, and war. Many barrel-progeny do not feel comfortable around other living things and have a strong desire to seek out elder things and learn more about the Old Ones.
G ray -B rood (P robe - progeny ) Probe-progeny are inquisitive oval headed results of alien experimentation.
A ncestry G ray Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength Racial Skills: Gray-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Knowledge (any one) and Sense Motive checks. Gray-broods have gray skin, black eyes, and their
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head is a little bulbous like their gray ancestors. Oftentimes, probe-progeny are the result of a gray ancestor’s experiment. They are seekers of knowledge of any kind, even going to extremes. Gray-broods are known for doing such things as experimenting on other beings or dissecting the monsters they defeat in battle.
S hobhad -B rood (R ifle - progeny ) Rifle-progeny are gun carrying roughnecks that will do anything to get the job done.
A ncestry S hobhad Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits:+2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence Racial Skills: Shobhad-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Intimidate and Survival checks. Ferocity (Ex): Once per day, when a shobhadbrood is brought to 0 Hit Points, she can remain conscious and continue fighting, though she must spend a Resolve Point every round to remain conscious, and if her Resolve Points are brought to 0, she dies. This replaces individual telepathy. Shobhad-broods have a shobhad parent, sharing the same green-gray skin color. Because of their ferocity, rifle-progeny find kinship with half-orcs more than they do with other transgenics.
W itchwyrd -B rood (B olt - progeny ) Bolt-progeny have magic at their fingertips and are not afraid to use it.
A ncestry W itchwyrd Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom Racial Skills: Witchwyrd-brood gain a +2 racial
bonus to Intimidate and Knowledge (arcana, geography, or planes) checks. Magic Missile (Sp): Witchwyrd-brood may use magic missile once a day as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to their character level. This replaces individual telepathy. Witchwyrd-broods have blue-gray skin and some even shave their heads bald to be more like their witchwyrd ancestors. Like their ancestors, they feel the urge to keep their racial identity a secret by wearing clothes that covers their bodies, which may seem odd to others as they also prefer warmer climates.
Y ithian -B rood (S pherical - progeny ) Spherical-progeny seek to find that little piece of knowledge that will give them the edge to live another day. 33
P laying
T ransgenic
R aces Z urkhan -B rood (C onqueror - progeny )
A ncestry Y ithian Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits:+2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Dexterity Racial Skills: Yithian-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Knowledge (any one) and Perception checks. Yithian-broods have strange orange skin like their alien ancestors and like the yithians, they enjoy controlling the minds of others. Sphericalprogeny often seek roles that give the ability to read and control minds, so many become mystics.
Y og -S othoth -B rood (S quirm - progeny ) Squirm-progeny, the legacy of the Great Old Ones, hide within the ranks of other creatures, squirming and writhing. 34
A ncestry S pawn S othoth
Y og -
Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence Racial Skills: Yog-Sothoth-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Athletics and Intimidate checks. Invisibility (Sp): Yog-Sothoth-broods may use invisibility once a day as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to their character level. This replaces individual telepathy. Yog-Sothoth-broods have purple skin and their hair is usually the same color purple, but black and white hair is also known. The Great Old One blood that flows through them often leads to them feeling superior to other living beings.
Conqueror-progeny are strong, fast, and willing to take what they desire using a combination of brute strength and intellectual superiority.
A ncestry Z urkhan Replacement Racial Traits Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom Racial Skills: Zurkhan-brood gain a +2 racial bonus to Intimidate and Sense Motive checks. Zurkhans are race of space traveling conquerors and often mate with the creatures of planets their have taken over. Zurkhan-brood share their ancestor’s multicolored red-black-gray skin and depending on their zurkhan ancestor’s caste, one of these colors are more prominent than the others. Gray patches represent a soldier caste, red patches represent caster castes, while black patches are often scouts.
R acial A rchetypes X enofilos A xenofilos is an explorer, searching for ways that she can control things with her mind including weapons, the thoughts of others, and even herself. Prerequisites: Only a solarian may take this archetype, and the alternative class features listed below can only replace solarian class features.
2 nd -L eve l A ltern ative C la ss F eature Sidereal Telepathy (Su): At 2nd level, a xenofilos can meditate for one minute in order to use her individual telepathy racial ability for one minute without spending a daily use of that ability. Any transgenic that does not have the individual telepathy racial ability may instead gain one
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additional use of the ability that replaced individual telepathy.
4 th -L evel A lt e r nat i ve C las s F e at u re Telekinetic Weapon (Su): At 4th level, a xenofilos may spend one attunement point (either graviton or photon) as a standard action to telekinetically control a single unattended melee weapon weighing no more than 2 lbs./level within 5 ft./level for up to 1 minute or until the she is no longer in combat, whichever occurs first. She may instead use this ability with her solar weapon, allowing it to attack creatures outside her normal reach (this overrules the rule that solar weapons are dismissed if they leave the hand of their creator). Spending an attunement point in this way may cause the xenofilos to become unattuned. If the weapon goes outside her range or she loses sense of it, the weapon will drop to the ground (or be dismissed, in the case of a solar weapon) and this effect ends immediately. The weapon attacks any opponent within range, as she desires, starting the round that the xenofilos activates this ability. The xenofilos may direct the weapon to attack an enemy as a Standard action. Its attack bonus is equal to her base attack bonus, but uses her Intelligence modifier instead of her Strength modifier on attack rolls. If she is not proficient with the weapon, she applies penalties as normal with these attacks. This attack’s damage is equal to the base damage of the weapon + her Intelligence modifier. As a full-round action, the xenofilos may attack once with a weapon she is wielding and once with her telekinetic weapon, applying penalties for making two attacks as if she were attacking twice with the weapon she is wielding. She may not use the telekinetic weapon for both attacks.
9 th -L evel A lt e r nat i ve C las s F e at u re Telekinetic Doublestrike (Su): At 9th level, a xenofilos may make two attacks with her telekinetic weapon as a full-round action, reducing the penalty for attacking twice in a round to -2 on
each attack (instead of -4). Alternatively, she may make one attack with a weapon she is wielding, as well as two attacks with her telekinetic weapon, applying the normal penalty of -4 to attack rolls for all three attacks.
L eve l A ltern ative C la ss F eature : Telekinetic Volley (Su): At 12th level, a xenofilos may make three attacks with her telekinetic weapon as a full-round action, with each attack taking a -4 penalty as normal. She may also spend an attunement point to telekinetically animate several weapons in a ring around herself for up to 1 minute, granting her a +4 bonus to EAC and KAC. This bonus stacks with that granted by Solar Armor, if the xenofilos chose it. While this abiity is active, creatures that successfully attack the xenofilos with melee weapons, unarmed strikes or natural weapons are dealt 3d6 slashing damage.
T ra nsg eni c S te llar R evelation You must be 2nd level or higher to choose this stellar revelation. Unlike other stellar revelations, exploration spell is not tied to either photon or graviton power, and can be used by the solarian no matter their current attunement.
E xplor ation S pell This revelation grants you abilities to aid you in your explorations of alien worlds. Choose one of the spells listed below. You may cast it once per day as a spell-like ability. This revelation may be chosen more than once; each time, choose a new listed below, and you may cast it once per day as a spell-like ability. Spells - darkvision, disguise self, keen senses, knock, life bubble, see invisibility, spider climb
R aces T ransgenic F eats
T ransgenic F lyer (T ransgenic )
T elepathic E nhancement (T ransgenic )
You have learned how to move without even touching the ground.
You are ability to maintain your telepathic ability for longer periods of time. Prerequisites: Individual telepathy racial ability, 5th character level, transgenic. Benefit: You can use your telepathy a number of minutes per character level, instead of rounds. You must use them in 1 minute increments, however. Special: You may take this feat up to three times. The second time it increases from minutes to hours and the third time may use your telepathy at will.
T elepathic M ultiplex (T ransgenic ) You can communicate with more minds. 36
Prerequisites: Individual telepathy racial ability, 3rd character level, transgenic. Benefit: You may now use your telepathy to communicate with multiple creatures at once, although maintaining a telepathic conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Dex 13, Transgenic Jumper, Acrobatics 9 ranks, transgenic. Benefit: You gain a fly speed equal to your base speed (good maneuverability). You may only fly with this ability when wearing light armor or no armor. This is a supernatural ability. Special: Certain subraces gain extraordinary wings rather than a supernatural flying ability. The wings retain the same speed and maneuverability.
T ransgenic J umper (T ransgenic ) You have tapped into the alien part inside you, allowing you to jump longer distances. Prerequisites: Str 13, Acrobatics 5 ranks, transgenic. Benefit: You can jump a number of feet higher than is normally allowed by the Acrobatics skill equal to your Strength modifier and long jump a number of feet further than is allowed equal to 5 x your Strength modifier. Fly also becomes a class skill for you.
V oid S urvivor (T ransgenic ) T elepathic R ange (T ransgenic ) You are ability to use your telepathic ability at a greater range.
You learn to survive longer in the void of space. Prerequisites: Con 15, void survival racial trait, Survival 5 ranks, transgenic Benefit: You can survive in the void one hour per Constitution modifier, instead of 10 minutes.
Prerequisites: Individual telepathy racial ability, transgenic. Benefit: Each time you take this feat, the range of your telepathy increases by 50 ft. Special: You may take this feat more than once.
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O ther R aces
D warven E ngineer
Be it through their own inspiration, or the kindness of other space travelers, when a race finally achieves spaceflight, it changes them forever. For fantasy races who are used to sailing seas of water or sand, the stars provide a new venue of challenge, adventure and exploration. Many races who live on worlds with dragons and other magical creatures actually exist in space, and travelers may meet their distant relatives through chance encounters. Space is vast, and there is room for everyone in the void.
The thrum of the machine and the fire of the forge is a religious experience for some dwarves, and they dedicate their lives to the pursuit of technology. Skilled craftspeople and mechanics, these engineers combine the strength of their arms and the power of their god-granted magics to ensure that their vessel-temples continue to traverse the starways. A dwarven engineer has the following class features:
