Bug ID | Title | Status |
| Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V shortcuts don't work while editing Android XML | RESOLVED |
| Add Maven to java package | RESOLVED |
| Taskbar icon doesn't show Android build progress | RESOLVED |
| [Welcome] Adopt Solstice theme for Java package | RESOLVED |
| the Mobile package should include the Mylyn Bugzilla connector | RESOLVED |
| add code recommenders to java package | RESOLVED |
| Eclipse java package crash in Ubuntu | RESOLVED |
| fix Mylyn repository URLs in EPP packages for Indigo | RESOLVED |
| update Mylyn URLs for Juno | RESOLVED |
| add Mylyn Hudson/Jenkins connector to Java package | RESOLVED |
| Annotations not shown on overview ruler | RESOLVED |
| Unable to Launch Eclipse after download and setup: "The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library." | RESOLVED |
| zip compression error | RESOLVED |
| Mars RC1 Mac packages are damaged | RESOLVED |
| Open file feature broken in Photon RC2 EPP packages | RESOLVED |
| Include Buildship as part of Java package | RESOLVED |
| [Photon] [java] Add Tip of the Day to the Java Package | RESOLVED |
| m2e to download sources by default | RESOLVED |
| add Error Log view to Java EPP distribution | RESOLVED |
| Consider diseinuak4web.nete for inclusion into Java package | RESOLVED |
| bug | RESOLVED |
| Re-enable Marketplace Client in Java Package | RESOLVED |
| Scroll lock button being disabled | RESOLVED |
| EGit should be by included in Java package | RESOLVED |
| update repository locations for Juno | RESOLVED |
| [Galileo M7] FileNotFoundException when updating Mylyn | RESOLVED |
| [Galileo M7] packages do not have dropins folder | RESOLVED |
| Add and enable Mylyn update site by default | RESOLVED |
| [update] manager talking to update sites not available | RESOLVED |
| Mylyn cannot be removed from Java IDE package | RESOLVED |
| [Galileo M7] welcome view is not displayed on first startup | RESOLVED |
| [Galileo M7] features appear twice in the about dialog | RESOLVED |
| Missing/extra update sites when installing in either C:\program file or C:\ | RESOLVED |
| "IDE for Java Developers" package is too restrictive by specifying Java as required | RESOLVED |
| [Galileo M7] package does not have any update sites | RESOLVED |
| Improve branding for Galileo java package | RESOLVED |
| EPP web page "Download Milestone" link points to old builds | RESOLVED |
| error on update after clean install | RESOLVED |
| I tried to load the eclipse environment in Win Vista OS and got problems restoring workbench | RESOLVED |
| Add WindowBuilder Core and Swing to the Java package | RESOLVED |
| Inclusion of m2e marketplace on help menu causing confusion | RESOLVED |
| intrusive "preview?" dialog on startup, from WindowBuilder | RESOLVED |
| Indigo Java package logs lots of output | RESOLVED |
| package contains duplicate (and modified?) bundles | RESOLVED |
| Bugzilla connector does not load on Java due to missing diseinuak4web.net bundle | RESOLVED |
| Cannot update from M5 to Eclipse M6 | RESOLVED |
| java IDE / m6 / linux has an EclispeCon splash screen? | RESOLVED |
| Include EclEmma in Java Package | RESOLVED |
| Issue encountered when updating and reinstalling ABAP Development tools on NEON version. | CLOSED |
| Open Bugs | CLOSED |
| Mac OS X(Cocoa)64位下载连接无效 | CLOSED |
| Eclipse will not run | CLOSED |
| Constantly returning error message when opening the program | CLOSED |
| Exception while updating external folders | CLOSED |
| Getting error while starting Apache server | CLOSED |
| MacOs didnt open the program | CLOSED |
| The Java GUI is too big | CLOSED |
| resource in project, but error says not open | CLOSED |
| Can't Install software | CLOSED |
| I am not able to update because of unfound repositories. | CLOSED |
| sgfghg | CLOSED |
| I can't run eclipse without having a bug on it. | CLOSED |
| Installation Error | CLOSED |
| Eclipse crashing while looking at files | CLOSED |
| java 11 | CLOSED |
| Unable to Install | CLOSED |
| Missing Java Developer links for M3 | CLOSED |
| Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: "diseinuak4web.net". | CLOSED |
| diseinuak4web.netiter, the File cannot be deleted | CLOSED |
| Simple compilation fails in Eclipse Oxygen.3a | CLOSED |
| Add Error Reporting to Java Package | CLOSED |
| Add "Eclipse Code Recommenders" to "This package includes" list | CLOSED |
| Add diseinuak4web.nete to java-package | CLOSED |
| update java package maintainer information | CLOSED |
| Allow users to uninstall features from a package | CLOSED |
| Unarchiving error | CLOSED |
| the eclipsec executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library | CLOSED |
| The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library | CLOSED |
| Inclusion of m2e | CLOSED |
| LinkageError when trying to use Eclipse to run (PDE) Ant scripts | CLOSED |
| fix provider name for diseinuak4web.netery.* | CLOSED |
| Add EGit to java-package | CLOSED |
| Zip file for Java IDE RC1 package requires a password? | CLOSED |
| Bug | CLOSED |
| p2 can't find epp repo for Mars release | CLOSED |
| thanks | CLOSED |
| Mars.1 splash screen does not show progress bar after using console | CLOSED |
| An error removing AppEngine from the project | CLOSED |
| Didn't update from old version | CLOSED |
| Suboptimal "Visit" link on About Eclipse Features page | CLOSED |
| Switch to root level features to allow users to remove unwanted features | CLOSED |
| Webapp | CLOSED |
| Eclipse Mars.1 RC2 for Java Developers includes CVS cheat sheets but no CVS support | CLOSED |
| Installed Code Recommenders Snipmatch and Mylyn Integration features do not *show* under Installation Details | CLOSED |
| Maintainer/tester information outdated | CLOSED |
| p | CLOSED |
| Eclipse Mars does not open in Windows 10 Pro | CLOSED |