Rest api to get to download files

Rest api to get to download files

rest api to get to download files

In the above entity class, the upload_dir variable will get initialized by the value which we have set in diseinuak4web.netties( Fetch the files list and get the file names. Use the following curl and endpoint to fetch an array with filedescriptors. As a note on this answer, Subscribers and Partners can go to the Documentation folder of the Aras Innovator CD Image to find the RESTful which contains​. rest api to get to download files

More complex APIs: Upload and Download Files with Flask¶

This example demonstrates uploading and downloading files to and from a Flask API.

Python Source Code¶

importosfromflaskimportFlask,request,abort,jsonify,send_from_directoryUPLOAD_DIRECTORY="/project/api_uploaded_files""/files")deflist_files():"""Endpoint to list files on the server."""files=[]diseinuak4web.netr(UPLOAD_DIRECTORY),filename)"/files/<path:path>")defget_file(path):"""Download a file."""returnsend_from_directory(UPLOAD_DIRECTORY,path,as_attachment=True)"/files/<filename>",methods=["POST"])defpost_file(filename):"""Upload a file."""if"/"infilename:# Return BAD REQUESTabort(,"no subdirectories allowed")withopen(,filename),"wb") Return CREATEDreturn"",if__name__=="__main__",port=)


Assuming that you store this file as to in your project workspace, create an API in Faculty with the following settings:

  • Type: Flask

  • Working Directory:

  • Python module:

  • Python object:


Once you’ve spun up a development server for your API in Faculty, get the URL and API Key for the server for the interface. Then, using Python (or any other suitable HTTP client), you can list the files on the server with:


Upload new files with :


And download them with :'{}/files/'.format(API_URL),headers=headers)>>>'1,Joe Bloggs,27\n'

© Copyright Faculty Science Limited

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Rest api to get to download files

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