Download file types from a website

Download file types from a website

download file types from a website

Some file types can include more than one Internet Media type. The Action column will give you a drop-down menu, with options on action to take, whenever you. Chrono Download Manager is one of the most popular extensions of its type for Chrome. There are some advanced options but it's relatively straightforward to. Pretty much everything you view, download, or interact with is a file — except some thing which are actually a bunch of files put together. Every website you view.

Download file types from a website - the word

How can I manage the download location, by file types, in Chrome?

Although this is partly a question about Chrome (where the problem is), this is more about the extensions (where I hope to find a solution).

I recall a plugin for FireFox that would take a given file type (i.e. .jpg) and push it to a [.jpg download] folder, instead of downloading it to the default [download] folder. I know how to change the default [download] folder; I am looking for a less heavy-handed approach. I would prefer answers that reference Chrome extensions, rather than some kind of background application that has the same functionality.

  • Is there a similar plugin that will migrate specific file types to user-determined folders, rather than the default download folder?

asked Jun 11 '11 at


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download file types from a website

Download file types from a website

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